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A female friend got a problem


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Her boyfriend believed his friend, his friend told the boyfriend that she likes to fool around but she is not!! Actually his friend wanted them to break up then he would have the chance!! He was very jealous when he knew they were together so he made up the stories. Recently they broke up, my female friend told me that his friend called her and asked her " Can she give a chance?" What a man he is!! She was disappointed when her boyfriend said that. She toldher boy friend but it sounded he doesn't believe his friend's doing it! Dangerous in relationships

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There are some real jerks in this world. I hope your friend won't go out with this other guy. Often, there are mean people out there trying to break up happy couples. That's why it's important not to believe anything you hear until you check it out very thoroughly.

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Not that "bf" is worth the trouble, but if you're friend would like to reclaim her integrity she should get both of them together and confront the situation. Most people who spread false rumors behind someones back have a difficult time retaining their composure and keeping their story straight when confronted directly.


If she thinks "bf" is worth the effort...or just wants to get the truth out in the open, she should try that one!

Her boyfriend believed his friend, his friend told the boyfriend that she likes to fool around but she is not!! Actually his friend wanted them to break up then he would have the chance!! He was very jealous when he knew they were together so he made up the stories. Recently they broke up, my female friend told me that his friend called her and asked her " Can she give a chance?" What a man he is!! She was disappointed when her boyfriend said that. She toldher boy friend but it sounded he doesn't believe his friend's doing it! Dangerous in relationships
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If her boyfriend is so petty to believe his friend over his girlfriend even after he has heard the truth then she doesn't need him. His friend is another story, I think his friend is pretty sick to be doing stuff like that. If this guy is dumb enough to take his friend's word over his own girlfriend about their relationship then he's not mature enough to be in the relationship. He has some growing to do and it's better that she's not around when he does this. It will only cause her more hurt and pain because he rejected her over this.


She doesn't need him and since he's heard the truth and chooses not to believe it then she's better off without him. Sometimes people see only what they want to see and then they realize too late that they made a mistake. Let him alone to sort this out on his own and if he comes back then it will be her call whether or not to let him back in her life.


I understand her pain but if he doesn't believe the truth isn't it more painful for her to try and get back together with him and have to keep trying to convince him that is not the way she is? That will just keep causing her more pain and rejection and she doesn't need that.



Her boyfriend believed his friend, his friend told the boyfriend that she likes to fool around but she is not!! Actually his friend wanted them to break up then he would have the chance!! He was very jealous when he knew they were together so he made up the stories. Recently they broke up, my female friend told me that his friend called her and asked her " Can she give a chance?" What a man he is!! She was disappointed when her boyfriend said that. She toldher boy friend but it sounded he doesn't believe his friend's doing it! Dangerous in relationships
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