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I like my friend.....

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ya...well its kinda wierd for me. I met this girl about 3 or 4 years ago and we were friends ever since....I think i realy like her....well i know i do. I dont want to ruin our friendship over this, so should i just keep it to myself? Should i let her know how i feel.....how do i win her over? We seem to have ALOT in common and its like...I cant decide if i should risk our friendship over the fact that i love her. Can someone PLEASE help me.....She just recently broke up with a guy that was mistreating her, and i was there for her the hole time and iv been spending alot of time with her...but now she doesnt realy want to hang out or return my calls....do you think she knows that i have feelings for her? WHAT SHOULD I DO?! :(

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She knows you have feelings for her - that's why she's not returning your calls. She's probably still recovering from her previous relationship and you're complicating things by trying to pick her up so soon after the breakup. I think if she were interested you'd know it. Unless she calls you and actually starts feeling comfortable talking with you, my advice is to leave her alone and let her know that you are a-okay with being friends and don't bring up the issue of dating again.

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ya...well its kinda wierd for me. I met this girl about 3 or 4 years ago and we were friends ever since....I think i realy like her....well i know i do. I dont want to ruin our friendship over this, so should i just keep it to myself? Should i let her know how i feel.....how do i win her over? We seem to have ALOT in common and its like...I cant decide if i should risk our friendship over the fact that i love her. Can someone PLEASE help me.....She just recently broke up with a guy that was mistreating her, and i was there for her the hole time and iv been spending alot of time with her...but now she doesnt realy want to hang out or return my calls....do you think she knows that i have feelings for her? WHAT SHOULD I DO?! :(


What do you mean that she doesn't want to hang out or return your calls? She's not calling you back at all? I thought you guys have been friends for years? Doesn't make sense. I think you should give her some time if she just got out of a bad relationship. She's probably having a hard time adjusting to be single again and trying to figure out exactly what she wants now. No one wants to make the same mistake twice. Keep being there as a friend. If she backs off and needs some alone time, let her do it. If she's truly your friend, she'll come back around, and you have to remember that sometimes people are only friends for a reason. If it develops into something more it can be very confusing and place stress on the friendship. Did anything ever happen between the two of you? Romantically? Or was she with this other guy the whole time?

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No...nothing happend....shes been with like 3 different guys since i known her.....and ya...just to clear it up she started to talk again...it might have been the stress of coming out of a bed relationship.....thanks for you replys guys......i realy appreciate it.

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Don't really know what else can be said.


I think you have two choices: tell her you want more than a friendship, or keep silent and accept the status quo. Pretty simple really.


Just remember, if you tell her and her feelings aren't mutual, it's going to be very awkward and you may end up losing your friendship. But then again, maybe you have wanted more than friendship for a long time???

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I just feel like crap. I was hanging out with her in school today, but then i backd off....i cant stand it anymore. Im realy hurt and i cant sit around and prettend to just be her friend when i realy want more....And she told me today she likes another guy and i was devistated....so i cant tell her i love her either....so my last option is just to stop it all and blow her off totaly....i just cant stand these feelings anymore....I want to thank all of you guys that took your time to try and help me out.

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You're making the right move, Ryan. Time to move on.


And I think the lesson here is, don't hang around a girl under the pretense of friendship when you know you want more than that. If you want romance, go for it. You'll waste a lot of time just being someone's friend, and usually, once you're just a friend, you're always 'just a friend'.

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