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Tony this message is for you.

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How did you get so smart? Are you college educated or is it just street smarts? You seem to be a very opioniated person about alot of things. I do approve of your moral values and agree with them. But (yes there is a but), you seem rather harsh at times with you're advice. Have you had that many bad experiences that thats what makes you say the things you say. Or do you think by being blunt the way you are it will make it easier for the other person? I was just wondering. You don't have to answer if you don't want too.

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1. How did you get so smart?


I think it was the Post Alpha Bits I always ate for breakfast (I also loved to listen to the snap, crackle and pop of Kellogg's Rice Krispies and pick out the individual ones that were doing each. See if you can do that sometime.)


2. Are you college educated or is it just street smarts?


I think both. I did go to college but I had to travel a number of streets to get to it.


3. You seem to be a very opioniated person about alot of things.


I seldom give opinions here. Only advice based on each individual situation. But, yes, I do have opinions on some things and absolutely no opinion at all about others. There are many things I just don't care about one way or the other.


4. you seem rather harsh at times with you're advice. Have you had that many bad experiences that thats what makes you say the things you say.


I don't think I'm ever harsh, except when my cat throws up fur balls on the carpet. But I am passionate. When I feel strongly about a post, I have to word it so my position is well understood. Absent the ability to talk to a person face to face, all they have to go by is the printed word I write.


The greatest number of people who do stupid things in love don't listen to advice. I don't even know why they ask for it. Most of the people who post here have been told the same thing by their friends. They come here to see if they can get some new advice that may validate their stupid (sorry, I really didn't mean to be harsh there) behavior. If I'm not strong in my language, there's not a chance in hell they'll even give it a thought. I'm here to help, not to be harsh.


There are some people who are offended by my posts but when I read them I don't see anything offensive at all...and I'm a pretty good judge of that. These people are just extremely hurt and sensitive and will get upset about most anything. It's a no-win situation.


If you think my posts are rough, you ough to read Laurynn's sometime when she comes around.


5. Or do you think by being blunt the way you are it will make it easier for the other person?


Yes, that's it. Easier for it to sink into the other person's head. You got it!!!


6. I was just wondering. You don't have to answer if you don't want too.


Now you tell me. If you're going to give me a choice of not answering, why didn't you do that up top before I finished answering everything???

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1. How did you get so smart? I think it was the Post Alpha Bits I always ate for breakfast (I also loved to listen to the snap, crackle and pop of Kellogg's Rice Krispies and pick out the individual ones that were doing each. See if you can do that sometime.) 2. Are you college educated or is it just street smarts? I think both. I did go to college but I had to travel a number of streets to get to it. 3. You seem to be a very opioniated person about alot of things. I seldom give opinions here. Only advice based on each individual situation. But, yes, I do have opinions on some things and absolutely no opinion at all about others. There are many things I just don't care about one way or the other. 4. you seem rather harsh at times with you're advice. Have you had that many bad experiences that thats what makes you say the things you say.


I don't think I'm ever harsh, except when my cat throws up fur balls on the carpet. But I am passionate. When I feel strongly about a post, I have to word it so my position is well understood. Absent the ability to talk to a person face to face, all they have to go by is the printed word I write. The greatest number of people who do stupid things in love don't listen to advice. I don't even know why they ask for it. Most of the people who post here have been told the same thing by their friends. They come here to see if they can get some new advice that may validate their stupid (sorry, I really didn't mean to be harsh there) behavior. If I'm not strong in my language, there's not a chance in hell they'll even give it a thought. I'm here to help, not to be harsh. There are some people who are offended by my posts but when I read them I don't see anything offensive at all...and I'm a pretty good judge of that. These people are just extremely hurt and sensitive and will get upset about most anything. It's a no-win situation. If you think my posts are rough, you ough to read Laurynn's sometime when she comes around.


5. Or do you think by being blunt the way you are it will make it easier for the other person?


Yes, that's it. Easier for it to sink into the other person's head. You got it!!! 6. I was just wondering. You don't have to answer if you don't want too. Now you tell me. If you're going to give me a choice of not answering, why didn't you do that up top before I finished answering everything???

Maybe because I thouth you'd read the whole thing through before answnering. I do have to agree with most of what you said and I for one am happy to see someone that cares enough to voice their opinion. I'm not great at spelling as I'm sure you have noticed. So bare with me here.


I was truly concerned about where you were coming from and I hoped you didn't have to go thru some of the stuff all of as mortals have. You do make a person think with what you have to say. I know I did. It just makes me wonder if you take your own advice.


At the begining of this message it seemed to me like you were talking down to me like I'm stupid or something. I really don't take kindly to that and I get my back up over it very easily. So if this message seems like I'm a little on the mouthy side. Well, I guess I am.


I guess I just wanted to validate where all this knowledge is coming from. You did say from both so I quess I got my answer.

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