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Jealous friend gonna ruin my valentine's day??

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Here's the story:

Friday I had a party at a bar downtown and invited a variety of different friends, who brought friends of their own. Well one of my friends, lets call her Julie, brought her best friend, who we'll call Nancy. There's actually some background there as well, because Nancy introduced Julie to her first boyfriend, who was Nancy's male best friend. Julie and I are pretty good friends, but not really THAT close.


Nancy and I hit it off pretty well, she remembered me from another time I had gone to visit Julie, which I had forgotten (and after looking through some old pictures, discovered both of them in one with me). Well Nancy was flirting with me big time, kept hitting me, told me "you look hot tonight", said "why haven't we hung out before?" so I knew things were going well, so I decided to ask her out for valentine's day, which she accepted. I ended up having to take a friend home, so I got her phone number, to which she said "valentine's day is over 3 weeks away, you know you can call me before then, right?" We made out for a little bit, which everyone I knew saw, including Julie, then I left.


When I came back, they were getting ready to head downtown, she saw me and said "I can't believe you came back!". We then decided to meet downtown (Nancy was driving Julie). I got one more kiss with Nancy in, and then we were off. Well, I talked to Julie from the club, but they ended up never showing. Turns out Nancy and Julie got in a fight with each other on the way to the club because suddenly "Julie didn't want to go" so they just went home.


Saturday I called Julie, and was asking her what happened to them, she was really snappy with me, claimed they didn't have money for parking, which I confused by, but went with. Later that night I called Nancy, on my way to another bar, and she told me the story about Julie suddenly not wanting to go, them fighting, and she spent 10 minutes venting to me about her. Eventually we started talking about her work schedule (she works for an NBA team, works 9-6 M-F and all their home games, like about 70 hours a week) and she told me she thought she could get out early for v-day. I told her to find out on Monday and call me (i didn't actually GIVE her my number, i fig'd she could get it off her phone...not sure if that's a problem).


Sunday I added Nancy to my facebook and myspace and all that, blah blah. Didn't hear from her Monday, wasn't real worried. Last night got into an argument with Julie talking to her online because now she claims I said something messed up to her Friday, despite that we always mess with each other. She got pissed off because I said that to her, so she signed off, still mad. Left her a message on facebook, apologizing for whatever it was I said. Now I'm thinking I got her jealous because I hit it off with her friend.


I text messaged Nancy last night about 30 minutes after her team's game ended, congratulating her for them winning, asked if there were any updates on v-day. I don't even know if she gets text messages, but I wish I would've just called...i'm trying my damndest not to over-do it. Now I'm up to today, and I still haven't heard back from her. Now it's got me thinking that the whole thing with Julie may be messing with this. What should I do? Am I over-thinking this? How long should I wait before trying calling her again? I need to know by next tuesday if she can get out early or not, because my friend (we're double dating) is making the dinner reservations then. Let me know what you think.

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