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Here is one for the lawyers :


1) Will I be charged with anything if my cat jumps out of the window from a "dangerous height"?


2) If someone attempts suicide by jumping from a "height" and then lives, are they charged with throwing a dangerous object from height?


3) If I am riding my motorbike and cross a double white line to avoid being killed by one of those people who got a license in the last happy meal will I be charged with reckless driving?

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1) Will I be charged with anything if my cat jumps out of the window from a "dangerous height"?


No, this would be classified as an accident. However, if a witness sees you drop or push the cat out the window, you will be charged with animal cruelty.


Cat burglars jump out of second floors all the time. I could never understand why anyone would want to steal a cat with so many around.


2) If someone attempts suicide by jumping from a "height" and then lives, are they charged with throwing a dangerous object from height?


No, they are considered mentally unstable. If they survive, they are taken to a hospital for treatment and then confined to a mental institution for treatment until they are deemed by doctors to not be a threat to themselves or others.


Different states have different laws but suicide is never a crime. People who attempt suicide are mentally unstable and therefore would be deemed insane at the time of the crime...if indeed it was a crime. You have to be a taco short of a combination platter to attempt to take your own life.


3) If I am riding my motorbike and cross a double white line to avoid being killed by one of those people who got a license in the last happy meal will I be charged with reckless driving?


No. But if you hit somebody in the process, you better have witnesses. Swerving to avoid animals or oncoming cars is done all the time and it's a natural reaction to danger. However, if you swerve to avoice a head-on or an animal and you hit someone else and cause serious property damage or injury, you better have good proof of what you were doing.


If you're on a motorcycle and you're a pretty good driver, it's a safe bet that the most seriously injured would be you if you hit something and you would do your best to maneuver to avoid other vehicles. However, in the stress of the situation you might not think fast enough to do so.


In most cases, it would depend on the investigating officer as to whether or not you were charged. Sometimes they refer this to investigators who administer lie detector tests to help them make their decision.


I am not an attorney...I just play one on TV.

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