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remember me? long time no type.


I havent had the strength to do much lately got deperessed , went to work had bad anxiety attacks .My doctor put me on a medicine for anxiety and depression too help me feel better.I start the new medicine when I see my other doctor.Sometimes I would get so scared I just would like to stay in the house and not go out thats how bad my anxiety is.Hopefully this new medicine is going to help also of my problems cause im really scared to be in big places sometimes.


I know I have not posted here lately. just keeping everything to myself.my horoscope says not to lol. im a cancer lol


Im going to get a computer soon. Im on a webtv plus which is connected to a tv screen. I know computer you can do more.im real excited about getting computer.

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It sounds like you're in the early stages of agoraphobia. Be sure to get out as much as possible and slowly expand the areas in which you travel and are comfortable with.


Get out of the house as much as possible. You do not want to get full blown agoraphobia and you can avoid it by taking the medication and being sure to slowly get away from your area of comfort and keeping travelling farther and farther. If you become uncomfortable, bring a friend along to give you comfort and encouragement.

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