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My ex cheated on me horribly.

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Hi.. I'm having some real pain here. My ex and I moved in, we had known eachother for over a year. She said she loved me so much. Wanted to get married and have a baby together. Well she had had her cell phone turned off weeks before I moved in with her. After about a month of being together like that I found her cell phone under her seat in her car. I gave it to her and two days later she had it turned back on. That was on 12/9/05. Then 3 days later, while lying in bed, she turned me down for sex, she had been acting strange for 2 days. I asked her what was the matter, and she said she had "issues" with us. That she wasn't attracted to me like she wanted to be. This is from a girl who had sex with me 4 times a day. She would come onto me at any time. We'd had awesome sex just the niht before and that morning! So she wanted me to move out. I was feeling crushed. We talked for a couple of days and she had her kids come up to me and ask me to stay. Yes I wanted to stay and told her that. That weekend she was goign to drive up to her mom's with her kids. That was fine. She came back from her mom's that sunday night, left the kids to stay for the holiday vacation and we'd pick them up over christmas. That night we made love, and had sex all through the week, every night. Well she would act strangely here and there and be very quiet. I was starting to become suspicious. I even asked her one night if she was wanting to see other people. She said no and that she would always be honest with me about something like that. She even had me talk to her kids about us getting married and the kids loved the idea. Well that christmas weekend we went to her mom's and had an awesome night. The whole 3 days she was very loving and touchy and kissing me and just being so sweet. The whole next week she was being sweet. But something was nagging at me. She was always text messaging on her phone, even when we'd be watching a movie. Then she'd just get up during a movie and be on her computer for an hour IM'ing someone. Again I asked her if there was something going on and she said no. I couldn't take it any more. She was starting to talk to her old boyfriend on the phone and said they were only friends. So one night while she was sleeping I looked at her phone. She apparently had cheated on me with her ex during that weekend at her mom's. The she had slept with her Dr. who was supposedly a friend of hers, who is married. then on the 21st she slept with some guy she apparently met on a dating service 3 months earlier. then she slept with another ex. She had cheated on me with 4 other men in a week and a half time. I was devestated. This is the woman I love with all of my heart. All of my other relationships I had never felt love for anyone like this. She was my heart and soul. Her kids even told me that no man had ever treated their mom the way I did. I would do little things for her all the time. So I confronted her, she denied and then said that she couldn't trust me anymore. She couldn't trust me because I snooped on her computer saw Im's and on her phone. So I moved out and since then she has told me that she has absolutely no regrets about cheating on me. That she does'nt feel in the least bit bad about it. I am in so much pain. I still love her and want her back. The hardest part was leaving those kids too, they were just crying and so upset because I was moving out. Now she is dating like 10 guys, and that is no lie. She pulled her oldest kid out of school and said she is going to home school her and the kid sits at home all day by herself while her mom is at work. Then when she has free time in the evenings she is out dating coming home at 2am while the kids are all alone at home. her kids are 11,10, and 8. Is she just a sociopath? She told me once that she ins't the jealous type and if I wanted to have sex with another girl it would be ok. There is so much more I could go on about, but when she got that cell phone turned back on, had contact with all her old "friends" in a matter of a couple of days, she turned on me. I found out that she had been talking to men on the computer even before that, talking nasty and saying horrible things to them. Saying she could do what she wants because I trusted her. Even saying to an old boyfriend on the computer that she wanted him to give her oral sex. That same night she attacked me physically, sexually. All I did was show her utter love and caring. I took a huge pay cut to move to be close to her and move in. Her family loved me and so did her best friend. Her kids are so upset at her. But she isn't telling her family about her cheating on me, oh no, the all think I invaded her privacy and tha'ts why she dumped me. I feel so sick and horrible inside. Please give me some advice, I want her back so badly.

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"I want her back so badly."




Why? Why do you want someone who cheated on your several different times with differtent people? She even told you she didn't regret cheating on you. I understand you love her, but theres more to a relationship than love. She clearly doesn't love you back, you have had your trust broken, and you will probably spend most of your time and energy wondering if she will do this again if you get back with her. Thats not healthy. I say you need to move on and cut your ties from this girl.






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honey, this woman is a cancer to your soul, no matter how much you love her. Stay with her, and you'll be destroyed, because she has no respect for you and it doesn't sound like she ever will.


as hard as this is, you've got to move on to something better. You're going to want her for a long time, but your soul is at stake here because she's only interested in feeding off of it. You sound like a good man, and good men/women deserve much more than someone like that will ever be able to give.



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She's got serious issues. There's "things haven't been good lately, my emotional needs aren't being met" affairs and then there's cheating on you with every guy she lays eyes on affairs. It takes a special kind of unbalanced to go for the latter. Get as far away from this woman as you can and don't ever allow yourself to believe it's your fault things didn't work out.

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Please give me some advice, I want her back so badly.


The best advice anyone could give you is stay far away from this woman. You don't really want HER back, you want the woman she pretended to be back. I know from experience that it's hard to come to terms with the fact that the person you fell for isn't really the person you thought they were.


Nothing good would come of staying with someone who's so obviously imbalanced. You may feel miserable now but you deserve much more than this woman is capable of giving. The longer you stayed the more this woman would of hurt you.


For the sake of your own sanity, keep moving and don't look back.

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I'm sorry buddy, but that woman is six bricks short of a load. She's a sociopath, who displays no remorse for her wrongdoing.


Hard though it may be, you need to get her out of your life and keep her out. I can't see anything good coming of you being with her. She'll always make your life miserable.


At least you got out before you assumed a legal obligation to parent the kids. I know you care about them, and it's got to be hard having a lying cheating wh*re for a mother. But any situation in which you're not obligated to have her in your life in any way is a good situation.

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thank you all.. It's such a good feeling to know that there are people out there who actually care. It just hurts knowing that she's dating all these people, and having fun and just going nuts uncontrollably, and she wouldn't shed a tear if I was hit by a mack truck. It's hard for me to swallow because I would never have done anything so hurtful to anyone. Even if I hated someone I wouldn't have done that. I think she is destined to live a life of unhealthy relationships and loneliness if she continues down this path. I guess I was feeling that I wanted to help her and I know she isn't living a good life. But I guess you can't change some people. Thank you all for your caring words and encouragement. I know there is a beautiful girl out there who wouldn't spoil the love I carry inside.

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This girl is sick. To do what she did and not regret it for a second tells me she has no soul. She doesn't care that she hurts her own children either. She leaves them home alone (which in itself is very disturbing) and ruined what was to be a good environment for them to grow up in. I hope you let her know exactly how you felt. I know how hurt you must be, but you have to cut your ties with her. No contact, no talking, nothing.


I hope someday you'll meet someone who truly deserves you.


Good Luck

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