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I love her but the age difference...


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Hey all, this is my first time posting so sorry if I screw anything up. But anyways, there is this girl that I adore. She and I are friends from being in a band together, and I want to tell her that I really like her and want to take her out someplace. But there's a problem. She's a senior and I'm a mere freshman with her being about 3 years older than me. I'm not sure what to do really because even though I want to tell her, I'm afraid that she would say no way. Any advice?

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Odds are against it, but if you feel strongly enough, go for it. Just be prepared for rejection and be prepared to just accept being friends anyway.

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As one gets older and transitions from senior in HS to life (or college) views will change.


My personal philosophy is to try it versus holding it back. A no is 100% no without an attempt. At being a freshman and senior well I would not aim for the altar yet. At least say how you feel and go from there. In life, there should not be to many regrets; it will just eat into you later in life.

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As one gets older and transitions from senior in HS to life (or college) views will change.


My personal philosophy is to try it versus holding it back. A no is 100% no without an attempt. At being a freshman and senior well I would not aim for the altar yet. At least say how you feel and go from there. In life, there should not be to many regrets; it will just eat into you later in life.


Awwww, this was good advice. :bunny:

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She's a senior and I'm a mere freshman with her being about 3 years older than me. I'm not sure what to do really because even though I want to tell her, I'm afraid that she would say no way. Any advice?


Ah, the allure of older women. I hear you, brother.


She may indeed say "no way". [but if she does, who's to say it wasn't because she was afraid of being teased by her classmates?] You get no guarantees.


Except this one. If you go for it, no one will ever be able to take away the pride you should feel for having had the courage to express your feelings.


"Daunting the risk. But glorious the prize!"

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Thanks you guys. Your advice really helped me a lot. I just wanna tell her so bad that it hurts! When I return to classes this week, I'm gonna tell her exactly how I feel about her. I just don't know what to say exactly, but I guess it will all come when the moment is there.

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