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18 y pregnant by 24 y MM

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I am 18 years old and 5 months pregnant by a 24 year old MM. He told me he was divorcing his wife, she knows about me and my baby. I was told that she is also pregnant by him, her due date is 3 weeks after mines. Both of us are having girls. the thing is she told a friend of my mother's (unbeknownst to her) in Nov. 2005, that she wasn't pregnant but was trying because her husband has a baby on the way by a 16 yr. old (she knows I'm 18) and when she (Me) have the baby a DNA test will be done and her and the baby's father is going to take and raised my baby. I don't know what to do. I asked the BF about her and the baby he said she not pregnant and she can't get pregnant. Please some advice!:(

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Well I was in a similar situation. 20 and pregnant by a 36 year old MM. His wife said the same thing. I had a relationship with him for 6 months, the pregnancy was an accident. He told his wife and other kids about the baby and then suddenly his wife was trying to work things out. He didn't leave her permanetly. I even lived with him the whole time almost. Then he got back with her. WTF?

First his psycho wife started by saying that it wasnt her Man's baby, which he and i knew it was his for sure. Then she got mad because she wanted to have another child with him and he said no, but got me pregnant. Then she "thought she was pregnant" to keep him around for a while longer. Then she told me that the MM was going to get custody of my baby and he and her were going to raise it together. I told her she was a pipedreamer. HE. Which that is insane to think that they would just give custody to a father when the mother is fit to be one. Anyways with all that said, i decided that I didn't want him to have anything to do with me or my child. So when i was five months pregnant I went down and had papers drawn up to have him relinquish his parental rights. He understood and signed the paper. His unsecure crazy wife then decided that she would make up lies about me calling her work, when i don't even know where she works, or care. Basically trying to make him hate me. Which is usually what the Wife does to the girlfriends, especially when they get pregnant. The wife always hates the girlfriend, no matter what. And that is cool about the DNA test. Get it. She legally has no rights to your child, ever. Even if she is the father's wife. She can never do anything except try to stress you out over bull****. Tell her to read up on the parentage act before she comes at you with her tales.

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I think I misunderstood part of that post. Did you state that your ex (the 24 y/o MM) is going to take and raise your child?

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