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Were actually talking again...

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Well heres the scenario. I ve known this girl for well over four years. From when we first met we were practically best friends and shortly after we started a physical relaitonship together. She has been there for me through everything. When i was dating another girl etc. On top of that about a year or so ago she had an abortion which she didnt tell me about till much later.(it was mine) From that point on we dated for alittle less than a year but distance and some other issues(my anger, depression) really got in the way. From that point on we had still stayed very close, her alwasy saying that she would like to end up with me and so on. Well just recently this new years i was in germany visiting some friends and she worked up in a certian ski resort and i later found out she had sex with one of her coworkers. At first i was upset but now im actually ok with it. When she got back we got into alittle agrument and she completly cut off everything with me. It was like that for about two and a half weeks. Now that the trial is over for the accident her and i were in and im happy its jut over shes starting to talk to me again. She has put me back on her myspace, put up a pic of her and I and we talk about once a day either aim or phone. (along with messages here and there on myspace.) I guess my question is how should I approach her on trying to figure out whats going on between us because Im ok if she wants to date. The only thing i would liek to have back is just a level of closeness we once shared. I know this is long so if anybody has reached this point, thank you very much and any help would be very appreciated



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