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to tell or not

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I saw my ex's wife today and got extremely jealous. Its been almost a year since he has gotten married (I was dating him for 7months and found out he was engagedthe entire time, when I found out I dummped him) & I know in previous theads I keep saying I am over him but yesterday I was in a shopping mall parking lot looking for a parking space when I spotted his car, I knew he was at work and his W must be driving. I almost left the mall but then thought I am not going to be run off, in fact i'm gonna let her know about him and I.


One problem I don't know who she is. I wait in the car hoping to catch her getting into her car and then approach her. as I sat or 10min I realized I was being completely stupid. So I start getting out of my car and a women approaches his car. She grabs something and runs back into the store. I go into the store and my eyes are darting around looking for that women, I spot her, I go over to the rack of cloths she was going through and she starts a conversation with me. Says high, she complements me on my jacket, talks about how the sale going on, smiles and walks away. MY heart sank. I wanted to tell her about her H activities with me and his new conquest I have seen him with, but she was so sweet, and beautiful (which didnt help)I couldn't tell her. She was not the ghetto ,low class , cold bi**h he painted her out to be.


I am sooo jealous and I hate that. I thought I was over him, well atleast I told myself that everyday to just get through the day but when I ran into her, feelings I thought were gone came bubbling up. help Please I think I want him back :confused::confused: Do I tell her should I have told her. what to do?

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Please I think I want him back :confused::confused:


I have lurked here for awhile and followed many of your threads. Telling her isn't going to get this guy back. You seriously need to do some soul searching and figure out WHY you want this man back when he has shown such a lack of respect for the women in his life.


He's really no catch. In the long run he'd likely cause you nothing but heartache. You did the right thing to end things with him.... Just keep on being strong and let him go.

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Honey, I know exactly what you feel inside. Jealousy, anger, and a wanton longing to have him back.. The thing is, the man you want back isn't the man he is. He lied to you the whole time you were together. Bottom line is, he is a peice of s**t... I went through something similiar. My girlfriend cheated on me several times. I found out, and we broke up. I went through the whole wanting her back phase. She cheated on me with a married man, and I wanted so badly to tell his wife about her and him having an affair. But the bottom line is, she wasn't worth the effort. You need to realize that he hurt you, purposefully, he knew exactly what he was doing the entire time. You need to find an HONEST man. He broke the trust between you. Shattered your heart and your soul. He is not worth it. He won't be faithful to you, he has already proved to not be faithful to this woman. And adding misery to her is not your place to do. Thats' why I didn't tell the wife of the man who slept with my fiance what had happened. Thing is, people like your ex and my ex have no respect for others. They are selfish and unkind, no matter how you want to view them. You and I are much better than that and we deserve better. So don't look back, he is a scumbag for hurting you, and he will always be a scumbag unless he has a real come to Jesus moment. And you can't change people's hearts. It takes them wanting to change. I had to realize that and had to go through ALL the pain an misery, because I couldn't understand why someone I loved so much, and gave so much of myself would do that to me. It's because we couldn't see them for who they really were. You still see the man you love. Problem is, he was never that person, only an image of what you thought he was. He hid his real self from you, just like my ex fiance did to me. I'ts gonna hurt, and it'll not heal overnight, but you can get through it. He's not the only love in the world for you. I pray your grieving for your lost love will pass.... Lots of love and prayers...

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Honey, I know exactly what you feel inside. Jealousy, anger, and a wanton longing to have him back.. The thing is, the man you want back isn't the man he is. He lied to you the whole time you were together. Bottom line is, he is a peice of s**t... I went through something similiar. My girlfriend cheated on me several times. I found out, and we broke up. I went through the whole wanting her back phase. She cheated on me with a married man, and I wanted so badly to tell his wife about her and him having an affair. But the bottom line is, she wasn't worth the effort. You need to realize that he hurt you, purposefully, he knew exactly what he was doing the entire time. You need to find an HONEST man. He broke the trust between you. Shattered your heart and your soul. He is not worth it. He won't be faithful to you, he has already proved to not be faithful to this woman. And adding misery to her is not your place to do. Thats' why I didn't tell the wife of the man who slept with my fiance what had happened. Thing is, people like your ex and my ex have no respect for others. They are selfish and unkind, no matter how you want to view them. You and I are much better than that and we deserve better. So don't look back, he is a scumbag for hurting you, and he will always be a scumbag unless he has a real come to Jesus moment. And you can't change people's hearts. It takes them wanting to change. I had to realize that and had to go through ALL the pain an misery, because I couldn't understand why someone I loved so much, and gave so much of myself would do that to me. It's because we couldn't see them for who they really were. You still see the man you love. Problem is, he was never that person, only an image of what you thought he was. He hid his real self from you, just like my ex fiance did to me. I'ts gonna hurt, and it'll not heal overnight, but you can get through it. He's not the only love in the world for you. I pray your grieving for your lost love will pass.... Lots of love and prayers...


Is your fiance still with that married man?


What really upsets me is that he seems happy, the day I saw her she seemed really happy, (I later found out she was shopping for her V-day cruise he is taking her on) like he is actually capable of being a normal honest man, just not to me & that hurts.

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I believe it would be wrong to tell. That would just be meanspirited and vindictive to the woman who seemed perfectly nice.


It is possible she has an idea that he does this and chooses to be ignorant so her life can go as if things are normal. There are women that look the other way so they don't lose their lifestyle.


Either way I'm sorry that seeing her set you back and hurt you this way.


Stay busy and distracted so you won't think about it too much...


Good luck.

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