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Jealousy issue

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I'm a bit confused. I liked this girl, and she knew it. We always spent a lot of time together, but eventually she took another boyfriend(from another town). I accepted this, but she always tries to make me jealous, by telling me stuff like how good he kiss etc. She just says it out of nowhere. This DOES make me jealous and she knows this. Why is she doing this ??

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Sounds like she has some maturity problems. Sounds like she just wants to rub it in your face. You say that it bothers you and it makes you jealous? Just turn your back and don't look back. She obviously is getting arise out of making you feel bad.

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I'm with The Riddler on that. I am dating 2 people right now and have told them I am seeing other people but I would never delve into details. I can talk about a sports game, what I did today or my job. That's just wrong and she needs to be dumped for tactless insensitivity.

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I've also considered in ignoring and dumping her, but some of my friends told me that she is sort of testing me to see if I really like her. She doesn't do this all the time, about once a week.


It is a difficult situation, but only time will tell what she's trying to do

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How old are your friends? That's a very inmature way of testing a man. My only suggestion if you like her so much and won't break up is to tell her that you don't enjoy talking about other men sticking their tongue in her mouth. I'd ask her why she even wants to discuss it with her date, you.

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We are 17. I always tell her I don't care what she and her boyfriend does, and I don't want to hear about it.

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Your young, but that is still just plain rude of her. I think you deserve better. You don't need a woman playing mind games of testing you and setting you up with scenarios for reactions knowing you don't enjoy it.

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