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Cruelty in the heart of Men


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Just read the news of a 27 years old man beaten up his maid that caused her to vomit blood and collapsed at a train station. She has ruptured liver and he wanted to take her out of a public hospital so that she would not be able to contact the police


This jerk threatened her after the beating that he will kill her family if she call the police


27 years old man who have work and could hire a maid. Are we surprise or is it the extreme form of demonstration of sexism display by men?

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Only a very minority of men are physically violent. Be very careful not to generalize about things like this. Even though most of the news we see on TV and in the newspapers is negative, on any given day the vast majority of people around the world enjoyed peace and quiet without bloodshed.

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I understand your concern with the violence that is occurring in America (and elsewhere) for no apparent reason. It is very deeply disturbing - and it certainly isn't just males. There are children, teenagers and women mixed into this awful trend. I read Tony's response and I have to agree, no one should generalize. Mainly because I wouldn't want anyone to generalize about me, or my parents, or my brother, or my bf for any reason. Expect the best - or at least the best effort - out of everyone. When you actually receive that - relish in it. When you receive anything less than good - walk away. The bad ones, despite the news (as Tony points out), are the minority. There are a lot of people doing great, amazing, totally unselfish things - on a daily basis. Someone I truly love with all of my heart donated a kidney to his best friend - not family - friend!!! Saved the man's life (they are both only 28)!! My aunt was married to my uncle for 21 years before he passed away. About 13 to 14 of those years meant hospitals for surgery and three visits to dialysis a week. That is not just love and sacrifice for loved one - that is dedication to mankind! I cook my bf breakfast and take it to him on Saturday morning when he has to work - because I know he doesn't take or make the time for himself! Look at all of the volunteers working in hospitals and schools. These people don't get paid - yet they make an incredible impact on people's lives. Do good! I think it is back in fashion!! (that's a joke)


Just read the news of a 27 years old man beaten up his maid that caused her to vomit blood and collapsed at a train station. She has ruptured liver and he wanted to take her out of a public hospital so that she would not be able to contact the police This jerk threatened her after the beating that he will kill her family if she call the police


27 years old man who have work and could hire a maid. Are we surprise or is it the extreme form of demonstration of sexism display by men?

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