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ME OUT Will I get a Second Chance???

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Help me out here. I been in a relationship with a girl for two years.

Here is the history of the relationship


We did together the first of everything, first kiss... relationship, sex on same day v-day and both of us fell in love with each other. I did everything for her, I bought her stuff, always been good to her, we had no fights together great sex and I did a lot for her. I was first then after that we had a week breakup then I won her over during the summer then a week before I was about to give up on her she professed her love to me and then I thought this was it we were going to end up together forever. We become best friends and told each other all our secrets about everything.

Study in Australia

Then she wanted to go study in Australia and her whole family was against it, she cried about it and I was the only one who supported her and she got to go. Before leaving she wanted us to break up and I told her she can do that but I just cannot and it should be up to her so she decided not to do it. She is only 20 we met when she was 18, she comes from a strict family that did not allow her to date until she was 18. As she was having the fun of her life in australia for 4 and half months I kept in contact emailed her almost everyday and she the same to me and called her at least once a week. She never called me because it was very expensive. Before she left she told me a very important secret about her that made me feel even more close to her and explain to me why she was so cold to me during the relationship about her past. As the times was coming for her to come I could see the relationship falling apart she did not say anymore I love you but I was too much in love to see the warning signs. Then her friend who she also told some of her secrets told me that she might have cheated this only brought a new problem because I stupidly asked her that and she got mad at me althought I later found out that was true she was drunk and made out with someone. One day she spilled hot tea on her and got burned I got very worried about her and sent her flowers to australia she emails me that she loves me. I call her a week later then she is mad at me that I sent her flowers that this guy I do not know whom seen them and was upset. Probably someone she started having feelings for. This upsset me very much. Anyways I suffered a problem with depression in the summer and did not tell her then she asked me what is wrong and I told her. I listed all my problems and blamed her for one of them my mistake. I wanted to get a good job and my own place before she comes over and was very upset that it did not happen, I did not get my job and failed two important job interviews. She stopped talking to me for a few days then I called her. We talked she wanted break up told me about her cheating and that she lost feelings for me and feel out of love but did not tell me about it because I love her and she was waiting for the right time althought it was the worst time for me she could possibliy find. We then took a break for 15 days then I emailed her a virtual email and her friend called me and told me what she was up to. I come to his birthday party pretty upset and they communicated stuff to her about me probably bad things as he did not like me but I did not know that. Then I did something really stupid I found this girl and told her to call him and pretend she was hooking up with me and her told my ex that because I wanted to make her jelous that did not work and she ended up having sex with other guys and the last one she stayed over at his house for a few days and fell in love with him then she last back here.


She came here sending me an email that she is back I as she promised she would tell me. I was a fool to start talking. I could not figure out if she missed me or what happened. So I wanted to know. I come to her house on a surprise visit I got her flowers, chocolate and a message certificate as I promised I would give her in two years of our relationship. She was locked out of her house so I talked to her for an hour then wanted to know if she wanted us to get together. I gave her the presents she took them except for the flowers but said the relationship is over. I left the flowers at her door step I do not know what she did with them. She claimed I was trying to buy her love. We then tried to be so called friends but I still wanted to know what happened. Anyways she wanted to see me on my birthday we played pool together then went to eat out. I was confident and funny but at the same time I was mean to her too because of what happened between us. At night we cuddled and she gave me a french kiss on my birthday as a favor not something she wanted to do but I guess it just happened. I gave her all our pictures back and two cards she was upset I gave those two cards back and I took them back.

Last day with her

I called her on the phone and did not talk about the kiss. I told her I will give her sister a ride because I will be in the area. I drove her to the place then she asked me to drive her to the library and I did and I told her for a favor. After that I went to her house to watch her skydiving video and see her photo cd's. I seen her email by mistake that said I love you from that guy from australia she was upset that I read the email but I was in the room and she invited me into it. As I watched the CD's the phone rung and I took over her seat. We then had a fight over it she wanted to sit on that seat but I would not give it to her on purpose. We had a wrestling match and she gave up gave it to me. I then laid on her bed for rest and she came and joined up. We cuddled and I kiss her on the lips, she said dont. I asked her some questions she told me she hates me with a passion something I used on her two days before. Before I left she got up looking really horny I went to her and kissed her again on the lips and we made out. (She before totally refused to give me breakup sex or anything sexual). We did everything except sex. She said this is not love, she was very confused and did not know how it happened. After that I called her once but did not talk to her but her sister who I said that I left lost my debit card. My ex called me back on my cell and left a message that she does not have my card and told me to call her. I told her before I will start to go NC with her on Jan 2 I told her not to email me unless she wants us to get together because I will not respond. She also left sent me an email wishing me happy new years. I responsed only to that email. She then sent me another email asking me how was my new years. I did not respond to that and right now I have been a whole month of no contact and I was wondering what I should do next any suggestions anyone??? Would she come back to me? She is not really hot looking and told me she wants to have fun being single. She also said the reasons for the breakup was not me but also told me that we are not right for each other. No real reasons given but I kind of figured them out. So please help me out do I try to win her back and become her friends as she wants us to be or is this really over? Would I get my second chance if I go NC for a while as V-Day is coming up? She also lives back at home now and lived on campous for the first time in Australia.

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