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Am I getting the wrong impression?

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Well basically there is a guy that i've been interested in for a few months. Ever since we met, we sort of clicked, which led into a lot of flirting. Just recently we were going to see a movie together, and I got my hopes up for something maybe more than just friends. Instead, the day of he invited another person. I was disapointed, but it was never really a date. However I called him later on and asked him if I was getting the wrong impression from his flirting and his response was something along the lines of "Even though we flirt all the time, I'll always consider you a good friend" meaning it won't ruin our friendship. But that didn't even give me an answer! :rolleyes:


He also had mentioned to someone (and of course it came back to me) that he was trying to play hard to get with me. I just assumed that maybe he just didn't like me. But why the continuous flirting?


So basically, should I move because he doesn't like me? or is he afraid...

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Sounds like he is just having fun with you (which translates to screwing around with your head) or he is actually playing hard to get.


You sound like a ball-sy lady so just tell him outright what you want. If he can't give you that then he should back off before you become completely annoyed with his mixed message flirting and bite his head off! :p

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i agree with Sweptaway.


honestly who doesnt like having an ego boost?

but seriously, if he's just flirting around and being friends and you dont mind doing the same, i see no problem in that.


however if you want something more than that, but he doesnt, then speak to him about it or move on.


humans are the strangest creatures, they always want what they cant have. and when they lose it(or think they do), they realize its value.

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I agree with being up front. No point boosting another person's ego or confidence while messing up yours. I know the chase feels good but this is really artificial and he is messing with your head by bring in another person.

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Well, I never bother with people that want to play games. If anything keep him on the back burner as a "man when all else fails."

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