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any input would be great


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Alright, this message may or may not go in this forum- but i figured it was suitable because there is a question of an ex...


The situation is i have an ex- whom I have gotten along with great since we broke up- we have never discussed the relationship though, and while we tend to give each other more attention than others- i have been rather standoffish and i don't know if he knows i still have any feelings


On the otherhand- there is this guy that I have been friends with for the past year and a half- whom I have had a huge crush on- but who has also had a girlfirend the entire time i have been single


Now- the crush is looking to break up with his girlfriend....and I have feelings for both guys...I tend to think about my ex without even really thinking about it- but whenever I am around the crush I have a great time


I don't know whether or not I should tell the ex (and forget my opportunities with the crush possibliy...and I don't know how the ex feels)- or wait and see if there would be any opportunity with the crush (which the is a definite possibility there may not be)


I wouldn't want to close one door and then regret it later....any advice would be great....



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Ex's are Ex's for a reason. Give the new guy a chance before you go down the path most traveled.

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