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Are these good signs he's interested? I can't tell!

shy and not sure

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shy and not sure

Hi everyone. I am very attracted to someone who is giving me good signs he's attracted to me. But I am not sure. Can someone help me and let me know?!? Thanks! I am only 21 and I and I just got out of a relationship with someone I had been with since I was 14. So I am not good with the dating scene. All advice is appreciated!


There is a man I met about a year ago. We run into each other quite often. I go to where he works because my job is somehow affiliated with their company. About a year ago, we started talking. The first moment we ever saw each other, our eyes locked for a moment and ever since then I have been getting vibes from him that he's interested.


Some of the sings I get from him are: He stops what he's doing to talk to me. He makes an effort to say hi to me. He's always looking at me. When he talks to me, he looks into my eyes (not many guys or even women do that when they speak with me). I feel a connection to him. I feel some kind of chemistry with him. I can't get him out of my head. He's always asking about my life (like he's interested in getting to know me). We email each other. He compliments me on my looks. So, to me it sounds like he's interested. But I am still not sure.


See, he's 29 and I am 21. So, his maturity level is very different than the guys my age. That's why I don't know how to take it. Is he just being kind or actually does like me???


He's asked me to go for a drink with him a while ago but we haven't been able to because of work and school. So I just thought that I would give up on him because I wasn't sure. I stopped talking to him for about 4 months and all of a sudden, he sends me an email asking how I was doing. I told him it was good to hear from him again and he said that email is the only way he's able to talk to me because every time he sees me at work, I always look busy to him and he doesn't want to bother me. I told him that next time I see him I'll try not to be "busy", so the next day he made an effort to come and talk to me but I became nervous because I like him so much that I became busy again.....


what can I do???? I am new to this and I really like him a lot!!! Does he sound interested??? PLease help!

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He totally sounds interested in you... Especially if he asked you to go out for a drink...


I would mention something about going out for a drink... If he makes time to talk to you while he is at work and emails you then he is totally into you...


Just keep talking to him and see how it goes... Try to not act so nervous... I know you like him but if you make it look like you don't want to talk to him then you are sending off the wrong kind of vibes...

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I like "bum..., PA" ;)


Coming from a guy who actually approached a girl and asked her out for a drink at work. It took awhile for me to ask, she and I chatted a few months and even flirted to get vibes. If he is willing to take the time to say hi and come over to say hi. I say go for it.


Regardless of the outcome, a word of caution, make an effort to DON'T let the relationship affect your work. I do hope he is at least in another building, department, or floor?

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No doubt in my mind ..... he is interested.


If you like this man, feel confident in yourself and go out for that drink with him.

Good luck

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