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Clarification on the FWB??

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In considering this whole friends with benefits idea I am curious as to whether or not the term means that you are supposed to be friends

first or if that comes after both parties are involved with sex?


I suppose the whole concept is confusing ... also what is the difference

between FWB and a sex buddy?


Any idea?

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The whole concept of FWB is no obligations sex. Meaning you feel each other's sexual needs and nothing more. Kind of hard to be f*cking someone and not be friends with them. But a FWB and sex buddy are the same thing just all depends on how you want to label it.

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I guess I was curious as to whether people are usually friends before the sex begins and that is why they would consider the person as a choice - or do they figure it out from the stranger level as the sex moves them there?

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Speaking only from my experience it was always a woman I was friends with or knew on some level, not a stranger. I suppose that is because in order to know if someon is going to be up for that kind of thing you have to know them on some level prior to bringing it up or you might look like an ass.


As a woman you have an advantage....any proposition like that from a woman is going to be hard to turn down. As a man if you don't know before you ask that they are ok with the idea of FWB you can come off as pervert. If it is stranger, it is usually a one night stand but could lead to FWB.

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i also would be interested in how to bring this about.

i've been friends with this girl for about 3 motnhs and we have good trust and communication going on.


one night awhile back i was talking about how there's nothing wrong with helping each other out..blah blah. and the next day she invited me over to her place and did it. however every other time she makes excuses when i try to make advances (i live with the parents).


is there a clear distinction to get a f*** buddy agreement across, without having to hear a girl's excuses?

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If you want to continue to move forward it may be easier if you set aup a few firm guidleines that would allow you both to feel more comfortable with the arrangement.


Try communicating and see what will come of it.... positive things usually if you speak of details ahead of time, so no hurt feelings or misunderstandings.

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Yep, communication is important for FWB situation as with everything else. You need to be very clear on what you want and don't want to happen.


For my past FWB situations they have been with people I was not friends with first. After it got started we would hang out but were not real "friends". This keeps things easier because there is less risk of emotional attachment. I suppose this situation would be better described as f*** buddies, meaning that the sex comes first and everything else is secondary. I suppose with FWB the friend part is first and the sex secondary.

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