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Guy trouble

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I like this guy..as i said in other treads i wrote...well..we are closer are now and have been talking..and now whenever i say something like about me liking him..he tries to change it around. But if he says about things..its okay...why?


I dont understand him. Is there some kind of singnals guys send to you when they like you?...and why is it that they sometimes judge u by who u hang out with? He told a friend of mine that he wont go out with me becuse of who i hang with....So if that was what he said..does that mean he really did or does like me?..but wont becuz oof that?


Thanks for listening...please any advice would be useful...

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Well, who you hang out with can definitely be a sign of what kind of person you are. It can indicate things like morals and maturity among other things. So if you hang out with people that he greatly dislikes then it makes sense that he may be wary to date you.

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