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Not Sure


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I am not sure if this is something I should stay in or not I guess I have a problem with risks. Its been three years since my last real relationship. I mean I have had friends that I have met and eventually got rid of for one reason or another. The real reason was of course that I was scared of getting hurt but I never said that, Ialways protected my feelings so that the issue of my heart would never come up. NOW things have changed. I met someone through a mutual friend. Originally we were not "supposed" to get together He was intersted in my friend who I knew would never happen just because of her situation, and I was interested in our mutual friend. but circumstances change... I was living with my cousin and eventually had some family trouble and had to leave. although could have gone home or to my best friends house instead I choose to go live with this person who by this time is just a tad more than a friend and who originally was meant for my friend. Now after two almost three months I am not sure where to take it. We have not had one argument the reason why we have determined is because are rrelationship is based on JUST friendship meaning that we are not in "word" dedicTED TO EACH OTHER.Although we are not in "word" it is a hidden rule. and despite my past af heart break I trust him. but I for some odd reason want more I want to know in "words" that he is here for me. I feel that I need that reassurance. But he is not willing to give that. I am sooo scared of getting hurt I don't want to stik my feeling out there. Today I decided to broach the subject and see what he says,,, basically he is scared what other will say how he will be treated .... I guess I didn't explain that part. He still has his females call the house. I awnser the phone and take messages because I feel there is no need jumping down his throat about it he is going to do what he wants and thats that. Let alone the fact that I have no right. I am currently coming up to a point where I can afford to ove out I am not sure what to expect of him when I do. can I expect him to still be there?? to still be faithful??

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