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is he interested and jealous


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I have crush on this friend but I am not sure whether he is interested in me. We talk to each other through ICQ everyday. I had a urgent business trip and left state for 10 days last week. He left a number of messages to me and wanted me to contact him.


when I came back, I returned his call and he told me he is very worried about me. He asked me whether I did not contact him because I have a date now. I told him " no. of course not"


Do you guys think he is interested in me? or it is just a casual question? Why he worries so much about me- I just disappeared 10 days, no big deal, right?

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It's absolutely impossible for any of us here to figure out if his concern for you was out of friendship, or actual 'interest.' Even a good psychic (now that's an oxymoron) wouldn't be able to tell ya.


If you and he chatted on ICQ daily (as friends) and then you suddenly disappeared for over a week, I think it's natural that he'd be worried about you. Most people don't leave town unexpectedly like that and not tell their friends in advance that they will be gone (though you say you had to leave on short notice).


I guess you could just come right out and ask him next time you talk, why the first thought that came to his mind was whether or not you were seeing some other guy.


How long have you been friends for?



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It's very likely he's interested in you, Cookie. The reason your disappearing for ten days worried him was because he thinks about you all the time but doesn't have the confidence to ask you out yet. When you (briefly) stopped contacting him he thought maybe he'd waited too long and screwed up his chance... hence his inquiry as to whether you were seeing someone now. He was probably very relieved to hear you were just on a business trip. If his worry had been more platonic he would never have asked if you had a date with some unknown guy -- he would have asked if you'd been in the hospital, or gone through a personal crisis or something like that.


"So why hasn't he asked me out yet??" you're probably wondering. First, he may be shy -- and even guys who aren't shy in everyday life sometimes become very cautious when asserting themselves romantically. We can be very annoying that way! :) Second, he may not be getting the encouragement from you he would interpret as a "green light". If you have a crush on him then your next move is easy -- either ask HIM out or help him along by dropping hints, opening windows of opportunity etc.


Think of a movie you want to see, and tell him you don't have anyone to go with and don't want to go alone. If he doesn't pipe in with "Gee, I could go with you" I'll eat my shoes. If you want to be less juvenile (and there's nothing wrong with being juvenile if it gets the ball rolling) tell him he has a lot of qualities you value, and if he's interested in being more than friends you'd be receptive to that, or something along those lines. Again, I doubt if he won't be receptive in turn.


Personally I think you're 90% sure he likes you already, and just wanted to hear the same from someone else. :)



I have crush on this friend but I am not sure whether he is interested in me. We talk to each other through ICQ everyday. I had a urgent business trip and left state for 10 days last week. He left a number of messages to me and wanted me to contact him. when I came back, I returned his call and he told me he is very worried about me. He asked me whether I did not contact him because I have a date now. I told him " no. of course not"


Do you guys think he is interested in me? or it is just a casual question? Why he worries so much about me- I just disappeared 10 days, no big deal, right?

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It's absolutely impossible for any of us here to figure out if his concern for you was out of friendship, or actual 'interest.' Even a good psychic (now that's an oxymoron) wouldn't be able to tell ya. If you and he chatted on ICQ daily (as friends) and then you suddenly disappeared for over a week, I think it's natural that he'd be worried about you. Most people don't leave town unexpectedly like that and not tell their friends in advance that they will be gone (though you say you had to leave on short notice). I guess you could just come right out and ask him next time you talk, why the first thought that came to his mind was whether or not you were seeing some other guy. How long have you been friends for? L
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