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Who do I believe?

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I'm going to try to make this short and sweet so I might leave out some details...try to bear with me please.


So my boyfriend and I have been together a year and a half and he just recently moved in with me. He got really wasted the other night and blurted something out about how I'm not the only one. His friend had called me earlier to ask why I wasn't out w/ them and he said my boyfriend was flirting with some girl and he was trying to hook up with her. About 20 minutes after I got this call from his friend my bf called me and thats when I picked him up.


I thought he had cheated before but I never said anything because I have never caught him doing anything, it was all suspision. He is constantly telling me how much he loves me and what a wonderful girlfriend I am and how he would never do anything to screw it up. Hes even mentioned marriage.


So, I was really pissed when his friend told me this and I'm not sure if I should believe him. His friend was really drunk and pissed at my bf so for all I know it was a revenge kind of thing.


I have really stong feelings for my bf and it doesn't help that he was my first. I don't want to kick him out because he has no where to go and I couldn't bear knowing I kicked him into the street with nothing.


I don't know how to react or who to believe. I know I haven't given a whole lot of detail but please help.

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Keep your eyes and ears open, snoop around a bit, and trust your gut. Better you find out now and throw his butt out (he'll find some place to stay--that's not your problem). Your duty is to take care of you.

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What's with this comment of his that you aren't the only one? Are there other signs he's cheating? Forget what his friend said. Unless his friend is also very good friends with you, he has no reason to be saying that except if he's really mad at your bf, in which case he could be making it up. But if there are other signs, signs you actually might believe, that's a different story.

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Who's friend is this guy with the phone call?


The comment about your not the only one is a real bummer. He has told you the answer to your question I think.


There is someone else, straight from the horses mouth so to speak.


Confront him, now, ask him who this other is, and all the questions such a comment raises.


He has nowhere to go? Really? Your not the only one, he said, well your house isn't the only one either, remind him.


Harden your heart, kick him out if he's cheating, be strong.


You will regret caving or ignoring this.


He was your first, ok, thats special but that is still no excuse to allow yourself to be treated badly.

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ok guys, if he said" she wasn't the only one" ....chances are shes not the only one. Girl why else would he say that? and chances are with him being drunk...well its the truth...


trust your gut feeling, Trust me that gut feeling is always right...you can be blind at times and indenial...I"ve been like that...still kind of am...find out...you defiently can snoop around..and if you got real evidence...get OUT while you can and no turning back....as much as it will hurt...it will only get worse...guaranteed

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