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Split up with girlfriend- just friends?


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After dating for many months, my girlfriend said that she just wanted to be friends. I asked her if she liked me and she said she didn't know, and that she doesn't know what she wants. She didn't close the door all the way. It's still party open but obviously things are not good.


Advice? I still have feelings for her. Is it still possible to remain friends in situations like this. Do you think it's possible to still get together?

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YOU ASK: "Do you think it's possible to still get together?"


No. According to your post, she dosn't even know if she likes you. She obviously doesn't think enough of you to want to continue pursuing a relationship and that's just fine. There's somebody for everybody.


You do not want to be friends with her, for sure. Why would you want to be around as her buddy for her to tell you about guys she dating, screwing, etc,? That's not what you are around for. You cannot be a friend to her now, especially while you are smitten with her.


Given her attitude about you, it's not likely anything will come of this. Cease all contact with her and move on. If she wants more from you, she'll call you. Maybe you were way too nice to her. It does sound like you were more into her than she was into you.


You'll get over this in time. I've been there many times and it does get better. But don't give yourself a lot of hope here and don't sit around for years waiting for her to come back and fall madly in love with you. There's a better chance you'll win the lottery this week.

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I know a lot of women who have demoted their male lovers into the "friend" catagory. What this means, is she's not ready to let go "completely" but wants the freedom to explore new territory. Its these same women who will usually become jealous when their ex-boyfriend (now turned platonic male friend) finds another love interest to occupie his time. The last thing you want is to become her "sure thing on the side," or "d**k in the bottle" as I've heard one male friend put it.


This was her choice, and tell her that you don't want further contact and that she should finish what she started. Like Tony says (and I've heard this complaint from many males who's ex-girlfriends wanted to become "just friends")you don't want to hear about all her relationship troubles whenever she needs a shoulder to cry on. And this is the way it usually turns out. Get a backbone and put closure on this one. Someone else is sure to come along, and I guarantee she'll be the one with regrets in the long run.


After dating for many months, my girlfriend said that she just wanted to be friends. I asked her if she liked me and she said she didn't know, and that she doesn't know what she wants. She didn't close the door all the way. It's still party open but obviously things are not good.


Advice? I still have feelings for her. Is it still possible to remain friends in situations like this. Do you think it's possible to still get together?

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