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GUYS, May I ask you a question, please??

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I've been with my bf for 2 years. My boyfriend spilt up with me last few weeks because he said he lost the feeling of love with me. I love him and really want to continue our relationship. So i keep calling him and dating him this week. And he didn't reject me. But can someone who have this experience can tell me what he is thinking now and what should I do??

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It takes more than experience to be able to read somebody's mind. You'll have to ask him what he's thinking.


If he said he has lost feelings for you, why would you want to keep going out with him? I really don't understand your post at all. He split up with you...but you are calling him and asking him out and he accepts is the way I think I understand it.


When somebody tells me they are no longer iterested in going out with me, I move on. That's the best policy. What is the purpose of going out with somebody who has lost feelings for you? That's sort of cruel to yourself, I think.


What are you hoping to accomplish? Well, maybe he'll fall for you again but the odds are very much against it. Guys just don't like it when females are pushy and keep calling after the relationship is over.


He may go out with you go pass the time, but I'm sure his eyes and his heart are searching elsewhere...which is exactly what your eyes and heart ought to be doing as well.

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If your boyfriend has lost his love for you then he has no business dating you; that's just leading you on. I think you ought to have a straightforward conversation with your (ex?)boyfriend about what's going on. Just because he doesn't reject your advances doesn't mean that he still considers himself to be in a relationship with you. Quite the opposite might be true. He may be justifying what he's doing right now by telling himself that he notified you about his changed feelings and was clear that he didn't wish to be in a relationship with you, but you still choose to date him (and sleep with him?) anyway.


People do go through phases of doubt, sometimes people need to take some time and space to reassess and decide what they want. Maybe your boyfriend felt that in "not rejecting" you he was implicitly getting back together with you and everything had returned to normal. Implicit is not good enough, he needs to make that clear to you. Because the last thing he said to you was that the relationship was over.


You have nothing to lose in asking him for some straight-up answers. Don't be afraid that he'll be "driven away" if you pressure him to come clean with you, if that happens then he'd already gone anyway; he was just returning as it pleased him to get what you seem to be willing to give without any assurances of love or commitment from him.


If he really is wanting to go back into the relationship then he needs to explain himself and actually say that the relationship is back on.


Don't let him keep you in limbo.

I've been with my bf for 2 years. My boyfriend spilt up with me last few weeks because he said he lost the feeling of love with me. I love him and really want to continue our relationship. So i keep calling him and dating him this week. And he didn't reject me. But can someone who have this experience can tell me what he is thinking now and what should I do??
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When I keep dailing him to go out, just because I hope he can still remember the best sweat time we passed by. And calling his feeling back.


One thing I am sure if I stop dailing him now, he will not come back anymore.

It takes more than experience to be able to read somebody's mind. You'll have to ask him what he's thinking. If he said he has lost feelings for you, why would you want to keep going out with him? I really don't understand your post at all. He split up with you...but you are calling him and asking him out and he accepts is the way I think I understand it. When somebody tells me they are no longer iterested in going out with me, I move on. That's the best policy. What is the purpose of going out with somebody who has lost feelings for you? That's sort of cruel to yourself, I think. What are you hoping to accomplish? Well, maybe he'll fall for you again but the odds are very much against it. Guys just don't like it when females are pushy and keep calling after the relationship is over. He may go out with you go pass the time, but I'm sure his eyes and his heart are searching elsewhere...which is exactly what your eyes and heart ought to be doing as well.
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