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should i go to the movies with her

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Hi.im upset with my friend after she broke her promise with me and then she calls me up and ask me to go to the movies with her.I wanted to tell her on the phone I wasnt interested but couldnt find the right words.How can I say it? Im so afraid she will get mad i at me.She broke her promise with me the time she was supposed to go camping with but then uses me on her time.But if I wanted to go see a movie she probably wouldnt go.

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you ought to assess the relationship, what you put into and what you get out of it. It sounds very one-sided as you've described it, with you putting in the effort and being there for her while she gives nothing in return. If that's the case, she's not really being your friend, she's a social acquaintance who doesn't hesitatate to cancel plans as it suits her.


On the other hand maybe she's there for you in other ways? One of my oldest dearest friends is a chronic flake and can at times be very unreliable about plans, etc. But she has really been there for me at times too. So I find it's worth it to me to overlook her flakiness at times because she more than makes up for it in other ways (I do of course complain about her from time to time too, with justification).


If this person is really just a social acquaintance and you feel that you have no use for her then let the connection wither. Why waste time on an annoying person who doesn't really doesn't factor much into your life? If you really consider her to be a friend then speak up and let her know that you feel rather insulted by her behavior. Perhaps she's not aware that you're not as lax about plans as she seems to be.

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