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First dates- Guys!


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Hello, please give me your imput. I met X a month ago via online dating. We're 32. Our first date was perfect but the day after I know he checked out the website again which made me think he was not interested. But he called two days later and we've gone out 4-5 times, he seems very interested in me. We end up rolling around in bed, then yesterday he said Make love to me! I asked him again if that's what he wanted he said yes, but when we reached 'condom time' he had changed his mind. I asked him isn't that what you wanted he said 'yes, eventually'. I asked him again what it is that he wanted, he said 'to fool around a few more hours'. Next day things felt weird, he jokingly said "You are attracted to superficial guys and I'll do my best to fit that picture".


I come from a southern non US culture non but I've been here a few yrs (he's american) so I'm not sure what he meant by fooling around. My other question is why is intercourse any "different" (more serious?) for a guy than kissing, holding hands and stimulating each other? Does his reaction mean he hasn't made up his mind whether he wants anything serious with me? Thanks for your time!

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This guy is a bit unique and a bit strange. I don't think you've done anything wrong and I don't think you are superficial because you were willing to go to bed with him after the fifth or sixth date.


Take your questions directly to the source, HIM. Ask him what he means by his conduct and what he expects from a woman.


On the other hand, many women would actually appreciate a guy who holds off on making love (intercourse) until he is certain that he wants a relationship.


Be patient...but ask questions of him.

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