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Hey Again!-Online BF Girl Here

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Okay, we just exchanged pics- what was i thinking? I'm not normally superficial, but this guy isn't my type. Call me a bitch if u want to, but I don't know if I could ever be serious about this guy. I like him as a person, but I like most people as they are on the inside- I just don't date them. Someone please help! He's really a great guy, but 1) he doesn't live anywhere nearby 2) he isn't moving anytime soon and 3) i'm just not attracted to his physical appearance. Guys, feel free to call me what I am. I deserve it. But also offer a little advice, even if it is for me to go to hell, ok?

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I don't think you're a bitch, although you very well may be...I really don't know you that well.


But you gave three very compelling reasons for not pursuing this online romance you thought you might have started. If you're not attracted to the person, if you live a long distance apart, and neither of you will be moving closer to the other anytime soon, it's rather insane to continue anything more than a very casual acquaintanceship online.


Frankly, I think you are a lot more rational and practical than many thousands of people who have these online flings, think they're in love, and actually conduct the whole thing as if they were going steady...and they don't even know what each other looks like. Often they haven't got a prayer for ever meeting in person etiher.


You're doing just fine. Now, if you really want to do yourself a favor, get away from the computer and go meet somebody in your proximity you can touch, kiss, and whatever.

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You are certainly not a b*tch. Why even go there, if you're not attracted? Move on.

I don't think you're a bitch, although you very well may be...I really don't know you that well. But you gave three very compelling reasons for not pursuing this online romance you thought you might have started. If you're not attracted to the person, if you live a long distance apart, and neither of you will be moving closer to the other anytime soon, it's rather insane to continue anything more than a very casual acquaintanceship online. Frankly, I think you are a lot more rational and practical than many thousands of people who have these online flings, think they're in love, and actually conduct the whole thing as if they were going steady...and they don't even know what each other looks like. Often they haven't got a prayer for ever meeting in person etiher. You're doing just fine. Now, if you really want to do yourself a favor, get away from the computer and go meet somebody in your proximity you can touch, kiss, and whatever.
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When answering your last post I was under the impression that you all ready had the facts on this guy...especially since you had made arrangements for a Labor Day visit! I guess its better that you found out now rather than waiting


until seeing him in person. Like I said, anticipation and expectation will let you down...people seldom fit the image we have created in our own minds.


I don't think you are being superficial. If he's not your type, then there's no reason to pursue this to the next level or wait in hopes that he will "grow on you." No need to start listing all the reasons to validate your sudden change of mind. (as females, we're intitled!...haha) Now, with a clearer head, you have learned a valuable lesson. So file it!


Next time (if there is one) get a photo, an address, a phone number. Check out your info to make sure its legit. Take your time to get to know a person a little bit before getting so carried away.


Like I said, its IMPARITIVE that you be SAFE, SAFE, SAFE!!


...And I hope you can patch things up with your friends.

Okay, we just exchanged pics- what was i thinking? I'm not normally superficial, but this guy isn't my type. Call me a bitch if u want to, but I don't know if I could ever be serious about this guy. I like him as a person, but I like most people as they are on the inside- I just don't date them. Someone please help! He's really a great guy, but 1) he doesn't live anywhere nearby 2) he isn't moving anytime soon and 3) i'm just not attracted to his physical appearance. Guys, feel free to call me what I am. I deserve it. But also offer a little advice, even if it is for me to go to hell, ok?
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