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An introduction to cheating….Men, POV wanted!

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Those of you brave souls out there, are you willing to step forward and contribute?

Specifically, WHY you have cheated in the past and WHAT made you cheat?

More specifically, are there types of women that are easier to cheat on than others? Did you feel compelled or driven to cheat, and if so, why?

Did you love the person you cheated on? If so, why did you cheat?


Same goes for women out there, fess up…it can be cathartic and you know all of us want to know if we are the type of woman that will get cheated on more often than others….


Additionally, what are the mistakes that the woman/man make when they learn they are being cheated on…ie begging, screaming etc….


And, did you give off little clues PRIOR to cheating that could have been picked up on??

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I've never cheated. Many of my male friends do. I don't know if this holds true for all situations, but at least with the guys I know, they are cheaters. It is who they are, no matter who their girlfriend of the time is. They like to have a steady girlfriend, a safety net, but they also like to have others on the side who they don't treat as girlfriends but simply women to sleep with.


The only profile I can see to the girlfriends who get cheated on is that they trust in guys who shouldn't be trusted in. Their behavior does not invite or cause the cheating--that's all him. But I have to say, while you can't predict with perfect accuracy which guys will cheat and which won't, it very rarely surprises me to find out which of my guy friends do and which don't. I don't mean to lay the blame on the victim. But as far as I can tell, guys who are likely to be cheaters aren't hiding it all that terribly well.


My best friend routinely tells girls that he meets that he is an assh*le, that he will use them for sex and discard them. Only he waits to drop this line until after he's acted all charming for a while first. Despite his very honest admission, they very often tell him no, you're lying, I can see that deep down inside you're a nice guy and you just don't want anyone to know. And then he proceeds to use them, precisely as he promised to do. Granted, I know most cheaters are not this obvious about it, but the very same qualities that many women find so attractive (he's confident, knows what he wants and always takes it, is always the center of attention) may *often*, NOT ALWAYS, indicate that he's bad news.


I know, I know, you know this one guy who is confident but very nice. The above is an unfair generalization. Not always true. And so on. Agreed. I'm not saying never date this type of guy. Just saying that there certainly seems to be a correlation, even though it's not 1.0.

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