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confused, and overly trusting


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Well, I have a very interesting (but probably all too common) situation that I really need help on. A friend of mine recently asked me if I would sleep with him, no strings attached to end his "dry spell." He says he asked me because I was such a good friend, and that he could trust me and feel comfortable discussing anything with me. However, when I said I thought it would make things weird between us, he simply replied that he could never see us in a relationship because we were too good of friends and too alike. I'm really considering doing this...I told him tentatively yes...but, I need a response soon. I am leaving for college in a few days, and he wants to "get together" tomorrow. Is this guy a complete jerk, or is he being serious? Am I actually "helping him out", or is he just taking advantage of this situation to get an easy lay?

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...you gotta be kidding.


Well, I have a very interesting (but probably all too common) situation that I really need help on. A friend of mine recently asked me if I would sleep with him, no strings attached to end his "dry spell." He says he asked me because I was such a good friend, and that he could trust me and feel comfortable discussing anything with me. However, when I said I thought it would make things weird between us, he simply replied that he could never see us in a relationship because we were too good of friends and too alike. I'm really considering doing this...I told him tentatively yes...but, I need a response soon. I am leaving for college in a few days, and he wants to "get together" tomorrow. Is this guy a complete jerk, or is he being serious? Am I actually "helping him out", or is he just taking advantage of this situation to get an easy lay?
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Ok, so I take it he is a complete creep...but he has always been such a good friend to me. I do feel bad for him, he has had a lot of bad luck recently, and I can't seem to do anything to help. How do I tell him no? I mean, if he was interested in a relationship, I would say yes I think. Should I tell him that or just stay the hell away from him?


I think that no matter what I am going to lose a friend...

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A friend wouldn't ask for a f*ck. And that's what he wants. Not sex, not to make love to you...a f*ck. With no strings attached none the less. Who cares if you lose his friendship, because he's NOT a friend. You need to tell him what a creep he is, and then tell him to stay the hell away from you. Of course, if it were me, I'd add a few other choice words in as well.


As for feeling bad for him, you shouldn't. All the bad luck in the world doesn't mean it's okay for him to ask you for sex. People run across bad luck all the time. And 99.9% of the time, nobody can do anything to help. So forget about helping this creep. Maybe he's had such bad luck because he's thinking too hard with his penis and not his brain. Tell him to stick his dick elsewhere.

Ok, so I take it he is a complete creep...but he has always been such a good friend to me. I do feel bad for him, he has had a lot of bad luck recently, and I can't seem to do anything to help. How do I tell him no? I mean, if he was interested in a relationship, I would say yes I think. Should I tell him that or just stay the hell away from him? I think that no matter what I am going to lose a friend...
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Well, I have a very interesting (but probably all too common) situation that I really need help on. A friend of mine recently asked me if I would sleep with him, no strings attached to end his "dry spell."

This one made me laugh! Give the guy a $20 and tell him to buy a lap dance. You think tapping you will suddenly change his luck?

He says he asked me because I was such a good friend, and that he could trust me and feel comfortable discussing anything with me. However, when I said I thought it would make things weird between us, he simply replied that he could never see us in a relationship because we were too good of friends and too alike.

He put it all on the line right here! He told you straight out that nothing was going to come of this. So what exactly is your question?

I'm really considering doing this...I told him tentatively yes...but, I need a response soon. I am leaving for college in a few days, and he wants to "get together" tomorrow.

So exactly WHAT college have you been accepted into sweetheart?? My God, is this the future leaders of corporate America? (Just shoot me...)


Is this guy a complete

jerk, or is he being serious? Am I actually "helping him out", or is he just taking advantage of this situation to get an easy lay?

Girlfriend, if you don't download yourself some common sense you're gonna be tossed around that frat house like free pizza at a weightwatchers convention!


TONY!...Where are you?...Say Something for cripes sake!!

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Tell your cheap friend to cut loose a little cash and go pay a prostitute to clean his tubes. That's not a function of friends.


I think he's got a lot of nerve. Furthermore, since he's leaving in a few days if you screw him it's not likely you'll ever hear from him again.


I can't believe you are even having to ask this question. You should have been shocked and pissed. But, then again, the world is really moving in some strange directions these days.


Now, if you haven't had sex in a while and you would get your rocks off just like him, then go for it. But remember, he has no respect for you...no respect for the friendship...and if you actually heard from him again it would only be because he was experiencing another "dry" spell.


With the balls he had in asking you to do this, it's no wonder he hasn't been laid in a while.


Also, tell him he needs to find a really good surgeon he can trust because one day he may have to rush him and his thing to a hospital to have it sewn back on because he's going to ask the wrong friend one day and she's going to depenis him good. (I hope he is able to find it in time)

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Well, thanks for knocking some sense into me, all of you...I was stupid to even consider this seriously. I suppose I was just kinda flattered...why, I don't know...especially after that oh-so-sweet line "alcohol and sex just go together." I guess I thought this was helping my self-esteem. Yet, it would have been quite the opposite. Ugh...well, you saved me from one very huge mistake...and I just remembered why I am too good for creepos like that anyway. And, BeenThere, I especially appreciate you being so honest (and appropriately harsh.) This is a really great idea, this forum that is...I wouldn't know how to ask anyone else about this.

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hi catriona,


tell him to go and bonk himself. he has made it loud and clear that the only reason he wants to sleep with you is to break his "dry spell" and that he does not want a relationship with you. yeah...that's a real good reason to sleep with someone, especially someone who is supposed to be a CLOSE FRIEND.


what a user. i mean, come on....if this guy had an ounce of respect for you, he would not have come close to asking you....good friend my butt.


tell him where to shove his offer, and make sure it's nowhere near you. this guy is not a good friend, because good friends don't say, "hey, can i screw you, even though i don't want anything else from you?".


this is one slimy bugger that you'd be better off without. what a disrespectful jerk.


heaven's to mergatroid. if he wants to know about


"dry spell" then he should try living in my shoes! i know all about "dry spells"...."barron spells"....."i should be living in the desert spells". i wouldn't dream of asking my male friends to water my drought. i'd expect to be spat on with disgust and that's about it.


if you know what's good for you, you'll give him a flat-out NO SIREE. if you don't and you go ahead with this, i can guarantee you will feel more mentally screwed than physically.


best wishes :)

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Well, thanks for knocking some sense into me, all of you...I was stupid to even consider this seriously. I suppose I was just kinda flattered...why, I don't know...especially after that oh-so-sweet line "alcohol and sex just go together." I guess I thought this was helping my self-esteem. Yet, it would have been quite the opposite. Ugh...well, you saved me from one very huge mistake...and I just remembered why I am too good for creepos like that anyway. And, BeenThere, I especially appreciate you being so honest (and appropriately harsh.) This is a really great idea, this forum that is...I wouldn't know how to ask anyone else about this.
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Didn't mean to be so hard on you. It's just that I have a daughter your age who is intelligent and beautiful with so much potential...only she doesn't see it in herself...yet. It's something you aquire with maturity and age. Her lack of self-esteem drives her to seek affirmation through the attention of others (often the WRONG kind of attention) and she makes choices that are both distructive and detrimental to her self-worth.


Look, I've Been There...we ALL have...but we can't pass along those hard lessons to those we see about to make the same mistakes we have. But that's just life, and without shooting ourselves in the foot a few times, we'd never learn it for ourselves. But the consequences of making the wrong choices these days, with all the STD's, could cost you your LIFE, your future, which is what you're going to college for in the first place.


Now...is helping that idiot with his "dry-spell" worth the risk of loosing everything that lays ahead for you?


A lot of men will find you desirable...because you are! It doesn't mean you should offer yourself up to them as some reward just because they thought enough of you to say so. If you want to attract "class"...than you have BE "class." And its okay to be demanding about what you expect in a relationship...out of LIFE! Your worth it...and you deserve it!


If only more woman could realize their how truely powerful they were and use it to reach their full potential...in a "possitive" way. Just ask ANY man, how ever "macho" he might be, what happens to him when a pretty lady walks into the room...

Well, thanks for knocking some sense into me, all of you...I was stupid to even consider this seriously. I suppose I was just kinda flattered...why, I don't know...especially after that oh-so-sweet line "alcohol and sex just go together." I guess I thought this was helping my self-esteem. Yet, it would have been quite the opposite. Ugh...well, you saved me from one very huge mistake...and I just remembered why I am too good for creepos like that anyway. And, BeenThere, I especially appreciate you being so honest (and appropriately harsh.) This is a really great idea, this forum that is...I wouldn't know how to ask anyone else about this.
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