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UGH! New Drama!

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I figured out the password to my LDR fiance's email account & Msn Messenger on my computer one day when I was bored & thought I'd try it. He origionally told me that he had like 3 of his guy friends on there. Well he is always telling me that he swears up and down he doesn't have any chick friends on there. Out of the 10 people on there, 8 of them were girls including me. He also changed his s/n to his first name rather than " I love ( my name ) so much! " and had me blocked. So now it's very difficult to trust him, b/c that shows right there that something is up if he won't even tell me about them & he lied. If I ever did that & had men on my list, he would FREAK OUT! So it's not fair. Is he cheating on me with some online partner, do you think? I read all of the women's profile, but they weren't very detailed on their marital status but they were from all over the place so obviously he met them on the internet. They were all young & pretty and had common interests with me. It was so strange and I'm pretty upset. So Please, tell me what you think about it. Comments of any kind will be appreciated.



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