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Breaking porn addiction

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Has anyone here been addicted to online porn and successfully recovered from it? i am having a real problem on my hands with this crap and would really appreciate help..


If you got over the addiction please tell me what exactly you did... and be as specific as possible. fortunately i am single now and would like to get over this before starting a relationship with a woman..


many thanks

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Addict in recovery
Has anyone here been addicted to online porn and successfully recovered from it? i am having a real problem on my hands with this crap and would really appreciate help..


If you got over the addiction please tell me what exactly you did... and be as specific as possible. fortunately i am single now and would like to get over this before starting a relationship with a woman..


many thanks


Good for you, for recognizing this and wanting to take action. The next step is -- TAKE ACTION!


I posted my story yesterday, in this message:


You might find it helpful to read. I hope so.


The website entitled "Sexual Addiction Recovery Resources" has many links for sex / porn addicts and their friends and partners. I strongly recommend that you get in touch with a 12-step group


In particular, I have found Sexaholics Anonymous to be very useful for me. If you're nervous about going to a face-to-face meeting, and you're unsure of whether you suffer this addiction, you might try joining the Yahoo! group, reading what others have to say, and asking questions there.


I post once in awhile on that group. If you join, look for "soulworker." I would be happy to hear from you through this group.


Good luck to you, and God bless your ACTIONS! (Because it's all about action!)

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Thank you so much for your reply!


I will go through your post and also the links carefully...


Is it okay if i contact you via PM?

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