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Possible soulmate (Long)


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How do ladies act when they are interested in someone?


I'm asking this question is because there is this girl i like and i have a slight hunch that she could be interested in me as well, because we could hold great conversations and we have a lot in common, we're also very playful and sometimes a little flirty with each other even though I start start most of it but she doesn't initiate only to other people she knows but, shes only playful to me when I start teasing her, she even started sitting next to me in mass (We're both Catholics). And yeah the big problem is that i'm 21 she's 27 (which I care less about) and has established herself and has a good job (my main concern), me I'm just starting college soon (free of charge) and work part time making only 350 dollars a week, which makes me feel a little outclassed and my freinds say we would make a perfect pair. She's also gotten me involved in the singles group with other singles and divorcees. She also invited me over one time to her apartment when her roomate was out of town to help her organize some stuff then after that she cooked dinner and we rented some movies to watch. And several weeks later I asked her if she wanted to go hiking with me and we did.


And just recently she's acting a little tense I mean now everytime we get near each other in church we talk a little and when we stop we just have this awkward silence, and I'm just wondering if she knows I'm interested in her because alot of people in church noticed my attaction to her but have not received any negative reactions.


She's never been married and has no kids and doesn't want any either because of medical reasons. Any advice on this matter is greatly appreciated.

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Interesting how you name this post "Possible soulmate", yet you want advice about whether or not this girl is even interested in you.


Anyways, my advice...ask her out on a date. She's obviously showed interest in you before. Why are men so afraid of asking a woman out on a date? I guess the same goes for women too. I mean, yeah, you'll be nervous, but so what. You have a 50/50 shot. So ask her. It's not like she's going to cuss you out and then run screaming for the door if you ask her for a date. She'll either say yes or no. Take some risks in your life, or you'll never get anywhere.


Another thing. Why is her career such a concern to you? She's 27...it's a good thing that she's established herself a career at this point of her life. That should be a turn-on for you. Is it because you don't have one yet? Even so, if age doesn't matter to you then her career shouldn't either.

How do ladies act when they are interested in someone? I'm asking this question is because there is this girl i like and i have a slight hunch that she could be interested in me as well, because we could hold great conversations and we have a lot in common, we're also very playful and sometimes a little flirty with each other even though I start start most of it but she doesn't initiate only to other people she knows but, shes only playful to me when I start teasing her, she even started sitting next to me in mass (We're both Catholics). And yeah the big problem is that i'm 21 she's 27 (which I care less about) and has established herself and has a good job (my main concern), me I'm just starting college soon (free of charge) and work part time making only 350 dollars a week, which makes me feel a little outclassed and my freinds say we would make a perfect pair. She's also gotten me involved in the singles group with other singles and divorcees. She also invited me over one time to her apartment when her roomate was out of town to help her organize some stuff then after that she cooked dinner and we rented some movies to watch. And several weeks later I asked her if she wanted to go hiking with me and we did. And just recently she's acting a little tense I mean now everytime we get near each other in church we talk a little and when we stop we just have this awkward silence, and I'm just wondering if she knows I'm interested in her because alot of people in church noticed my attaction to her but have not received any negative reactions.


She's never been married and has no kids and doesn't want any either because of medical reasons. Any advice on this matter is greatly appreciated.

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Go for it!!!


The worst that can happen is she can say she's not interested in a serious relationship. And that will be very good because the whole issue will be once and for all resolved.


If you don't say anything to her, you will never know.


One of my favorite poems:


The sadest words


of tongue or pen,


Are those which say


what could have been.

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Well the reason is because, would she actually be interested in a guy who isn't established? I mean I am working on it and I am not the type of guy that goes for somebodies money I'm the type that like to contribute to something, and beleive me this concern is the only thing stopping me from pursueing her my instincts tell me she is interested but they also tell me she is very cautious. One time I was flirting with her alot until she told me to stop because she said otherwise I'll do something without thinking, and after that she leaned against me when I was talking to somebody, now to me that is a definate sign of interest could it be?

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Man, she's definitely got the hots for you. She's given you all the signs without actually saying to you "I've got the hots for you bub". So go for it already. And of course she would be interested in a guy who isn't "established". Otherwise, she wouldn't be flirting with you like she is. The shallow women that you're refering to wouldn't even give you the time of day if all they were interested in was how much money you made. But this girl's already shown interest in you, regardless of how much you make. Don't worry about the money thing! Just ask her out.

Well the reason is because, would she actually be interested in a guy who isn't established? I mean I am working on it and I am not the type of guy that goes for somebodies money I'm the type that like to contribute to something, and beleive me this concern is the only thing stopping me from pursueing her my instincts tell me she is interested but they also tell me she is very cautious. One time I was flirting with her alot until she told me to stop because she said otherwise I'll do something without thinking, and after that she leaned against me when I was talking to somebody, now to me that is a definate sign of interest could it be?
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