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Re: Does he like me or is he just a flirt?

Tony T

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Men in the medical profession have females hitting on them constantly. While he has a professional relationship with you, it's not likely he's going to go into his private life a great deal. He may be seeing someone or he may just be showing friendliness to you because of that relationship.


He got the card, he got your number. He's in the driver's seat. If he doesn't call you within a reasonable time after your treatment ends, either he is not interested or you'll just have to wait until he gets to your name on the list of ladies he has to call.


You did the right thing by giving him the card and your number. You had no other choice. Other than waiting, you could always just come out and invite him to dinner and to an event of some sort in your area. You ought to be prepared to do that during you final visit.


Then again, you may never get to the root of this.

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Tony, This man doesn't seem like the flirty type. Anyways, why would a he flirt with me if he wasn't interested but knows that I am?


Why is he flirting with me at all if he is not interested?


I understand what you are saying about waiting until then end of treatment-makes sense. But anyways, in general, how do you know if a guy likes you and is not just flirting?

Men in the medical profession have females hitting on them constantly. While he has a professional relationship with you, it's not likely he's going to go into his private life a great deal. He may be seeing someone or he may just be showing friendliness to you because of that relationship. He got the card, he got your number. He's in the driver's seat. If he doesn't call you within a reasonable time after your treatment ends, either he is not interested or you'll just have to wait until he gets to your name on the list of ladies he has to call. You did the right thing by giving him the card and your number. You had no other choice. Other than waiting, you could always just come out and invite him to dinner and to an event of some sort in your area. You ought to be prepared to do that during you final visit. Then again, you may never get to the root of this.
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YOU ASK: "But anyways, in general, how do you know if a guy likes you and is not just flirting?"


1. He asks for your phone number.


2. He calls and asks you out.


3. He seduces you.


4. He asks you to be his lady.


5. He proposes to you.


6. He marries you.


7. He buys a house for the two of you.


8. He puts you in his will.


9. He has children with you.


10. He works late weekdays, plays golf on Saturdays, watches football or baseball on TV on Sundays and you wonder why the hell you ever gave him your number in the first place.

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The way I see it, you are the aggressor in this situation. You made the initial move and, although he has responded in a very subtle way, I would not try to read too much into it.


You opened the door, as you should have. Now, let him walk in if he is interested. As Tony said, you might want to be prepared to make one more advance toward him on your last visit. Ultimately, it will be his decision whether or not to accept your offer(s).


I think your question about "how can you tell if a guy is flirting with you?" stems from his apparent rejection of your initial offer of your phone number. Don't take it that way. You made a move on a guy that you are attracted to. Good for you. Most people don't have the nerve to do that much. But, don't expect him or anybody else to respond the way you want them to.


Do what you can to show your interest. It is not foolish in the least bit. By all means, make another pass at him. If you are genuinely interested, don't worry about whether you did the right thing or not. You have nothing to loose. Do the same thing to the next guy that sparks your interest, if this one doesn't take the bait.


Don't go overboard. A couple of real strong passes (at least two, since guys are kind of dense sometimes) should be enough. If you have to try more than that, then he is either truly not interested or he is beyond dense and not worth further effort.

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