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My ex wife is always accusing me of something. We have joint custody and shared placement of two young children. She is always taking credit for the good things that happen and blaming me for all the bad. In this type of custody arrangement we should have good communication but i have a hard time talking to her.


For example one day the older boy and i were outside playing football and the younger one (6 yrs old) was in the house. She called over for something and the younger boy answered the phone, I`m not sure exactly what he said but she thought i left him home alone. She came storming over to my house accusing me of always leaving the kids by theirselfs (witch i was not doing). Then a couple of months later she switched shifts at work, by doing so it left the children unattended at her house for approximately 20 to 30 minutes each working day.


This is only one example of many witch she has accused me of being either moraly or ethically incorrect


in the raising of these children and then does the exact same of what she accused me of.


How can you communicate with a person like this?


I get very angry at her then she blames me for the lack of communication.

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YOU ASK: "How can you communicate with a person like this?"


Through a very good attorney in front of a fair-minded judge.

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Tony's advice might be good and appropriate if you feel that your wife is neglecting her duties as the custodial parent.


If you're not ready to go into court with this, why not try to find a good mediator, a counselor of some sort who can provide a neutral opportunity for each of you to hear and be heard by each other? It may be that you're actually dealing with left-over bad feelings from the marriage & divorce. Or maybe your wife is feeling over-burdened. Not that any of that is necessarily your fault but why not deal with the real problems that lie beneath her antagonism?


Good luck

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