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Can anyone give me a good reason to get married? I have thought for hours about this and just can't seem to rationalise why people get married. It's like locking yourself in a room with someone for the rest of your life and expecting to get on with them - isn't it? I need to get over this as 4 people have left me already due to my total anti-marriage polict. Any suggestions?

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YOU ASK: "Can anyone give me a good reason to get married?"


1. To provide a proper and respectable environment for the raising of children.


2. Because you meet someone you want to spend the rest of your life with.


3. Because you have settled down and want a more stable and contented way of life.


4. Some marry for religious and moral reasons.


5. To provide a legal framework for the distribution of assets to heirs, etc., upon your death.


6. To provide the landscape for psychological and social expression and growth.


7. To have a partner to share in the many responsibilities of life, such as financial, social, home, etc.


8. To have a partner with whom you can have a stable lovelife without great fear of dying from AIDS or acquiring other STD's.


There are many other good reasons for getting married.


However, if you cannot think of any good reasons for yourself, you may not be meant to get married and you should not do so. Marriage is certainly not for everybody and the single life as well as the priesthood (or sisterhood) are very excellent vocations.


Budhist monks do really well, especially at baking bread.

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there definitely are some good reasons to get married, and i think those have been listed already.


have you told these 4 people your REAL reasons for not wanting to get married . . . do YOU actually know??


my current girlfriend and i have discussed this MANY times, and our relationship is about just that -- the RELATIONSHIP -- marriage simply won't add to the most important thing - US!!!


now, do you simply not see any real benefits to marriage . . . or, are you really not the "marrying kind" . . . whatever that is??


i'd be trying to figure out exactly what the reasons are for not wanting to get married -- could simply be these weren't the people for you!

Can anyone give me a good reason to get married? I have thought for hours about this and just can't seem to rationalise why people get married. It's like locking yourself in a room with someone for the rest of your life and expecting to get on with them - isn't it? I need to get over this as 4 people have left me already due to my total anti-marriage polict. Any suggestions?
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Maybe you just haven't met the right woman. Marriage isn't something you can always put into a numbered list, it's a feeling you have that permeates from you, it's just something you know. It's just like love, if you have to question it, maybe it isn't love.


You may need to look at yourself to answer this question also. What could you offer to a woman that would make them want to spend the rest of their lives devoted to you? Marriage just isn't about making sure your spouse doesn't cheat on you, it's not just about getting tax credits, marriage is the joining of 2 souls into one, and if you're not ready, you're not ready, simple as that.

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