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I saw a man i'm acquainted with today, when i popped into where he worked.

He seemed busy, as i heard one of the managers there asking him to do something so thought its best not to disturb him.


As i was there he said "Hello sweetheart" I didn't think too much i didn't even think he was talking to me. But he was he come up to me saying he hadn't seen me running recently (as some of my routes go past his house)


As he was talking to me i was aware he was holding eye contact with me, and they didn't seem to move from my eyes, he definitely held contact for a while maybe at least 5 seconds maybe more, wasn't counting lol. And we were standing face to face possible 12-18 inches apart,


But as i realised i was holding eye contact too. Which i hadn't intending to do.


So was this just harmless flirting on his part?

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Of course he's flirting with you - but - isn't this guy married (I read some of your other posts)? If so, stay far, far, away. If you don't work with him, don't go out of your way to "pop" in to his office and chat him up. If you have to work with him, keep it on a professional level. If the flirting escalates, then tell him that you feel uncomfortable with the flirting (ie him calling you sweetheart).


Again - don't reciprocate. Go out with your girlfriends and find a guy that's single and interested in you. Ugh. Isn't it obvious that you shouldn't fool with married men? Not trying to be harsh, but come on.


If it isn't the same guy you've posted about in the past, sorry. Sure he's flirting with you. Go for it.

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