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Giving It Another Try

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This is sort of the second part of a problem I asked about a few weeks ago. Here is a quick summary of what happened:


Realized I really like my friend. After some debate, I told her how I felt about her. She was happy to hear this, she was all smiles, and told me she like me too (don't know if she was being sincere or just saying it because I was telling her the same thing). I DIDN'T ask her out at the time, because I didn't want to put too much on her too soon (I should have just asked. Looking back, I'm certain she would have said yes. So yeah, I really screwed that up). The next day, I asked her if she understood what I was getting at -as I worried that I had been too vauge. All she said was "yeah". The last two and a half weeks have been kind of weird between us. It's not like we don't talk anymore. We just don't talk quite as much, and it's not quite as free-flowing. Granted, it has gotten better the last little bit.



Now, I'm left wondering what she would have said if I asked her out. Everyone seems to think that's what she is waiting for me to do. I wonder if I should take the fact that she hasn't said anything since that talk as a "no".


Ultimately, I want to get an answer, whether it be yes or no. Should I just say something like "hey, you want to go see (a new movie) this weekend?". I figure it's not too forthcoming, but I still suggest we do something outside of school (which we haven't done for a while now).


But if it was indeed a "no" she was hinting at before, bringing this up again will make me look bad.


I'm leaning towards asking her out. It seems like the only way I'll be able to move on. The last couple weeks have been killing me wondering what I should do.


Any thoughts, opinion, and ideas would be greatly appreciated.

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just ask her to do something outside of school


i remember one girl who did everything to get me to ask her out...and i never did


she ended up going out with one of my friends instead (f***ing b**** right?)


i think she wanted to just get back at me for not asking her after she came on to me for 2 months (i didnt want to go out with her but, i didnt want to crush her and say "i dont like you that way")


anyways from what i am seeing, she seems like the girl that waits for you to make the first move.


first observation backing this statement up is: look at how she reacted when you told her that you liked her more then friends. She smiled and welcomed the feelings because she felt the same way as well. But she still didnt tell you first, meaning that she is reserved and shy to admit/instigate anything "romantic." Be the big boy now Sean, and ask her, it doesnt matter how long it was since this opening up happened, what matters is that you follow through on your claim and DO SOMETHING.

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LucasArts, thanks very much for your thoughts.


she seems like the girl that waits for you to make the first move.


And in hindsight, I should have known this, and shouldn't have waited for her to do/say anything. Obviously, that was a mistake on my part.


Be the big boy now Sean, and ask her, it doesnt matter how long it was since this opening up happened, what matters is that you follow through on your claim and DO SOMETHING.


I absolutely will. I'm actually looking forward to it. I'll finally be able to put it behind me.

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