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To Tony, Can you clear something for me,please?!

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YOU SAID :" Most people who aren't retarded make it a point NOT to show their idiosyncracise to people who don't know them well. It's just part of good social graces. Being obnoxious towards people you've just met is just plain crazy if you're looking to them for future friendship"


What do you mean by that? Being sarcastic does NOT mean being obnoxious. I think you're very confused on that one.!!

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OK, so I'm confused. Continue being sarcastic to people when you first meet them and let's see how many friends you make. And, by the way, sarcastic and arrogant are very closely related behaviors.


I pray you make a lot of friends with your sarcasm.

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YOU STATE: "If sarcasm is meant to be a joke only, then it's ok"


WRONG!!! It doesn't make any difference how you mean something, it's how it is taken. If people don't know you, they may not know you are joking. Until people know your sense of humor, you are much better off avoiding sarcasm.


If you must be sarcastic, make sure you make it very clear to the people you meet that your sarcasm is ONLY your sense of humor. Even then, it's likely many will be offended.


You are very stubborn on this issue. That's a shame.

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You are very stubborn on this issue. That's a shame.

you ARE very right. However, I just want you to teach me a few things:


1) What's the difference between sarcasm and arrogance. Chalk and cheese?

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