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Cute, cool or or handsome Guys/Girls

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Which would girls/guys prefer, I am guessing here, but I think as a one matures, ones taste of men changes. I know beauty is skin deep and you are probably thinking about personality, financial staus, etc,etc but lets put that aside for now and just focus on the looks.


i am asking this as I wanna know in which direction I should proceed. Well, handsome is sort of a given thing for some people, but then there are other attributes where a guy/girl could work on, like being muscular, acting cool,etc

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Maybe you should proceed in the direction of BEING YOURSELF. Most people prefer to be around people who aren't fake.

Which would girls/guys prefer, I am guessing here, but I think as a one matures, ones taste of men changes. I know beauty is skin deep and you are probably thinking about personality, financial staus, etc,etc but lets put that aside for now and just focus on the looks. i am asking this as I wanna know in which direction I should proceed. Well, handsome is sort of a given thing for some people, but then there are other attributes where a guy/girl could work on, like being muscular, acting cool,etc
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Don't ever try to look like something that isn't who you are. If YOU aspire to be muscular, do what you gotta do to be muscular, or toned, or whatever. Don't ever try to look a certain way because you figure it will be more attractive to someone else.


Everyone has different tastes and different things that drive them crazy about someone else. The person that is perfect for you, is the person who has a fetish for the certain individual physical qualities that you have. Not everyone likes muscular, tanned or perfect skinned men/women. I happen to have a thing for crooked bottom teeth. In the end, you'll lose someone when they discover that you don't appear to be who you really are, so look how YOU want to look.


That said, remember that it's a person's personality, personal qualities, and outlook on life that make their appearance attractive or unattractive. sometimes you don't even have to know a person to find them extremely good-looking, even if at first glance their physical appearance isn't anything special, just because they radiate kindness, or a zest for life, or whatever.


You don't want a person that doesn't look beyond skin, believe me. they're not fun. don't try to act cool either, you'll just come off as someone who tries too hard, instead be yourself. if you're shy, you're shy. some people find that very attractive. and if that's who you are, don't try to change for someone else, you'll just exhaust yourself and lose them in the process.


so my short answer would be to forget about trying to look or act differently than what you are, just be who you want and the right people will come to you. so don't proceed in any direction.

Which would girls/guys prefer, I am guessing here, but I think as a one matures, ones taste of men changes. I know beauty is skin deep and you are probably thinking about personality, financial staus, etc,etc but lets put that aside for now and just focus on the looks. i am asking this as I wanna know in which direction I should proceed. Well, handsome is sort of a given thing for some people, but then there are other attributes where a guy/girl could work on, like being muscular, acting cool,etc
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Sure being muscular or having a nice butt may get you noticed, but in the long run, walking like you with comfortable with who you are, and carrying yourself like you have no doubts or cares in the world is what people want to see in a partner.


If you exude self respect and don't over-do it to the point of acting like you're god's gift to whatever, then that's all that matters. Know yourself, love yourself, and most importantly, just BE yourself.

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