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which way is up?


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We broke up a little over a week ago after about a year together. At the time I didn't say a word. I began NC almost immediately with some unusual reactions from her. After five days I decided I needed some closure, some discussion, and so she agreed to meet me at a bar. Our great connection was there in full force (we actually had a good time), but she had decided we needed to pursue independent lives. It was sad.


The only remaining issue was the 'exchange of things.' I told her to come to my apartment on Saturday at noon and take her things and leave mine, and leave the key. That was that.


Friday night I was at a party and at 2am she texts me to 'confirm' the plan. My night was ruined so I went home. By the time I was getting into bed I already had 3 other texts starting from 'stop playing' to her regretting sending so many texts. I replied to tell her the plan was on.


The next day (Saturday) she takes her stuff and leaves my stuff. As planned.


Saturday afternoon, she calls me. Something about forgetting a few things, but also because she felt so weird making the exchange without any contact between us (b/c the previous Tuesday was our 'last goodbye').


She wants to go to dinner. I hesistate, but ultimately agree.


What ensued was an entire night of making out, going to a bar, making out, going to a party, making out, making out, and her sleeping over at my place... This morning we make out some more and she goes to work.


So tonight I'm confused as hell. So I decide to call her and see where she is. She says she had a great night/morning with me. She is adamant that we are not 'back together,' but wants to plan to go out again next weekend, acknowledging that the exact same thing will likely happen.


It seems to me that she is trying to take things very slowly from here, and wants to avoid the label of being 'back together' because there are legitimate reasons we broke up and these do not disappear in a day. Moreover, even having a big discussion about what everything means and doesn't mean with her makes us both uncomfortable and wondering if we are doing the right thing.


Meanwhile, I'm left confused. Does anyone see disaster lurking here, or is this a legitimate second chance? I don't want to find out in 2 weeks that I was my own rebound guy. What do you think?

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Huge Alert my friend,


My ex gf (left me 5 months ago) did this too. She did not want to be with me in a relationship, but wanted to hang out at first. I of course wanted to and we had a couple of intimate times...but it hurt after because I knew she was not coming back.

I got great advise from people here who know and I have worked hard to heal myself and move forward.

No doubt you want your ex gf back, but you have to remember to respect yourself first and heal!

All she will do is rip your heart out of your chest, stomp on it and give it back worse than it was...move forward...if she wants you, make her work for it and earn your respect!

Good luck

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