scobro Posted February 6, 2006 Share Posted February 6, 2006 I am at the six month mark of my whole world collapsing when my wife came home and out of the blue ended our marriage.I was devastated beyond belief and never ever thought at the time I could feel good again.I am here to say it gets better and I now always have good days very seldom do I think about my ex or dwell on the past.Those of you who are down at the 2-3 month mark it gets better trust me.Things may seem hopeless but you get by and by the 6 month mark its a new life.I was a wreck but now I am good as new ready for the next chapter.Healing and taking time for yourself is important in your well being through any type of loss and I know from experience it only gets better.Avoid the temptation to mask the pain by jumping into another relationship that is the worst thing you can do. 2 Link to post Share on other sites
bigbrowneyes Posted February 6, 2006 Share Posted February 6, 2006 Hey Scobro, Thanks for this post. I remember reading some of your post when I first subscribed and you were in a really bad place. It's good to see that you're finding happiness. It gives me hope that someday I will wake up and feel better. This was a difficult week for me. It's been almost 4 months since I broke it off with my X and it would have been 8 weeks since I last heard from him until he contacted me Friday via email. I'm just miserable again. I feel like my entire life has been destroyed and I just want to sleep forever. I'm beginning to think that I'll never feel whole again. Why is this so stinking hard! I pray that I someday I can write a similar post of encouragement. Thanks for giving me the strength to get out of bed this morning. My boss thanks you Link to post Share on other sites
Author scobro Posted February 6, 2006 Author Share Posted February 6, 2006 Bigbrowneyes Wow you were the dumper and not the dumpee and you are feeling this way.Hmmm interesting I only thought the dumpees usually went through hell not the dumper well keep your chin up it gets better. Link to post Share on other sites
bigbrowneyes Posted February 6, 2006 Share Posted February 6, 2006 Well Scobro, I'm the dumper but the circumstances behind it are that he cheated on me. I ended up forgiving him and getting back together with him but he did it again. Broke my heart. I never loved someone so much and now it's everything I can do to get my life back together. I know I had to stop seeing him for the sake of my children and myself. He's already in love with someone else and planning to marry and move into a house that we picked out together. It's painful for me to think how foolish I was to love someone so much when he never really cared. But thanks for the encouraging words...they mean a lot. Link to post Share on other sites
Lonestar Posted February 6, 2006 Share Posted February 6, 2006 Good for you, scobro. I'm glad you've been able to move on. I remember how hard it was for you and now you seem to have accepted it. As we all know it takes time to get over the loss of a love. Link to post Share on other sites
lilmoma1973 Posted February 6, 2006 Share Posted February 6, 2006 Hugs to you for overcoming being hurt!! Can i ask why she decided to leave? If you posted already tell me where you put it? Congrats to you it can be hard when someone ups and leaves .. The fact of getting out of the bed and going on is so hard ,glad you are in a better place.. Link to post Share on other sites
Author scobro Posted February 6, 2006 Author Share Posted February 6, 2006 Can i ask why she decided to leave? Well basically married 2 years, at the time we were trying to have a baby, one morning kiss her goodbye I go to work and I come home to "its over I am not happy anymore" 2 weeks later she is dating someone she met at a bar, she actually called him with me in the next room. She would go out with him with me knowing, just in tears sitting on the couch on a Friday night she would walk right by me out the door and get home at 4am or sometimes not at all and I am still living in the house absolutely devestated....nice girl.So I never got the truth, it was her third marriage 36 years old and her 2nd lasted 10 months because she had an affair so I would suspect there was another guy but she claims it wasn't....who cares really, i deserve a hell of a lot better than her and will be much happier. She was the type of woman who craves attention from men and really is always seeking it out because it validates her if a good looking guy is interested in her.She also did the same thing to me the previous year and there was also another guy involved so her pattern repeated again a year later 7 days after our 2nd wedding anniversary. Link to post Share on other sites
fallenheart45 Posted February 6, 2006 Share Posted February 6, 2006 damn bro....THAT IS WRONG. I DONT' CARE HOW BEAUITIFUL A GIRL IS.......IF THEY ACT LIKE THAT..THEY ARE NOT WORTH IT... I feel for ya Scobro! Link to post Share on other sites
kitten chick Posted February 6, 2006 Share Posted February 6, 2006 Congratulations. It's nice to read a success story once in a while on here. It took me more than 6 months, probably about a year, but you get there eventually. Everyone will get to the point where they don't miss their ex, they don't want to talk to them, they don't want to see them and where you are in acceptance that they are no longer a part of your life. It doesn't mean that the damage done isn't left behind for you to fix or that it's not a sad thing to lose someone that you love still, it just means that you don't feel so much for/about them anymore. Link to post Share on other sites
wendel1 Posted February 6, 2006 Share Posted February 6, 2006 Awesome Scobro! Well done mate! Link to post Share on other sites
chocolate_boy Posted February 7, 2006 Share Posted February 7, 2006 Scobro well done fella! I remember us posting in October/November both being devistated, I'm approaching the 5 month mark now, and like you am getting on with life just fine. I do sort of miss having a partner in some ways, but I'm also sort of enjoying the freedom etc. now a lot. I'm still not really ready to get with someone new, but I have pretty much stopped thinking of the ex and haven't spoken to her in about 3 months now, also just got past what would have been our second anniversiry (last weekend) and at the time didn't even really cross my mind. Maybe I'll post a pic of myself with my shirt off, seems to be a new trend here Seriously, glad you're doing better my friend. Link to post Share on other sites
fooled Posted February 7, 2006 Share Posted February 7, 2006 She was the type of woman who craves attention from men and really is always seeking it out because it validates her if a good looking guy is interested in her This strikes such a familiar nerve! I really have to copy down gold like this and keep it with me at all times. Link to post Share on other sites
UT_longhorn Posted February 7, 2006 Share Posted February 7, 2006 man..congratulations scobro. just another testament to the power of time. i am becoming more hopeful of my future as well. Link to post Share on other sites
dgiirl Posted February 7, 2006 Share Posted February 7, 2006 scobro, i'm very happy for you You've got the right attitude! It's a long damn rollercoaster, and being at the 1 year mark I can definitely tell you things DO get so so much better. Dont be surprised if you relapse here or there, but the lows dont last nearly as long as they use to. Link to post Share on other sites
pippen_2k Posted February 7, 2006 Share Posted February 7, 2006 Maybe I'll post a pic of myself with my shirt off, seems to be a new trend here Seriously, glad you're doing better my friend. LMAO.. Maybe we could make a 'The Men of LS Calander' Link to post Share on other sites
Mz. Pixie Posted February 7, 2006 Share Posted February 7, 2006 Glad to hear you're doing okay Sco! Link to post Share on other sites
Author scobro Posted February 7, 2006 Author Share Posted February 7, 2006 Thanks all!!! really appreciate the responses and lets get more women posing with their shirts off, that would be great:p Link to post Share on other sites
Mariella43 Posted February 7, 2006 Share Posted February 7, 2006 If you guys look like the avatar pics you've got posted - why are you crying over past relationships? You guys are hard bodied hunks and can probably get any girl you want - go have fun!!! You're only young and hot looking for a short period of time - GO MAKE YOURSELVES SEEN AND HEARD! No seriously, Scobro - it's been 8 months for me and I still miss gets easier but it sure is hard when you still actually seem to love that person and miss what once was and what you had hoped that person would have been..... I hate starting over - I'm 43 and it's not easy - the pickin's are slim the older you get. Congrats on getting better...... Link to post Share on other sites
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