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What do I do?

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I was dating a guy for 1 1/2 years. Until one night he cheated on me. I love him and I want to take him back. He says he will never hurt me again. Do I trust him? Do I try it again?? Why would he cheat on me? I ask myself everyday. I ask him he says I was stupid and drunk and I wish I could take it back.. I know I cant take it back but I will have to make it up to you. Do I believe him? I know he has no contact with this other woman. (I know this for sure) But...down the road what is going to happen? How do I approach him about this. I ask him something about it and I get pissed and then I storm out and he tries to talk to me but I dont want to hear it.. Why am I like this when I love him so much? I don't understand it. I ask him if he loved me he wouldnt have done this and he says he knows and he realizes how close he was to loosing me. but does he really understand? Please help me out!

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listen...i know you love him....and i know he's sorry.....but once a cheater always a cheater. My boyfriend and i were dating for 3 years when he cheated on me. He said he was really sorry and he would never do it again. I took him back for another three years...we recently broke up and he got a new girlfriend and guess what? He cheated on her with me....he never even told me about her....i'm just saying..once someone has that mentality it doesn't go away...it doesn't matter who they are dating they will be capable of cheating. I think you should step outside of the situation and think about how much it hurt for you to find out about him doing that to you....and i think you should question whether or not you want to be involved with someone that is capable of hurting you that much. Someone that truly loves you and appreciates you would do anything to make you happy, and wouldn't even want to look at another person...so decide wisely becuase you could find yourself in this situation again.

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