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LOVE at all costs...


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My friends say, play the field, just like them. Yet, they are miserable most of the time cause they like using girls.


Well, Can a 23 year old and a 16 year old really be in love? And if so, can it last?


Can it last? that doesn't really matter, because people who meet at 40 don't know if it will last? So there must be a chance, if slim, that it will, you never know.


As for other things, what if there is some sort of connection, sparks, an iffy feeling that she is the "one" and she says I am the "one", should I ignore what my friends tell me and listen to what I feel or should I listen to them and just let my feelings slowly fade, if that's possible?



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The likelihood that a 16-year-old has found "the one" is not likely, particularly the way the world is today.


A young teen may be very much in love at the moment but that age period is a very fickle one and lots of psychological growing is taking place. It's not likely a girl of that age will keep her attention on one guy for a very long time.


A 16-year-old girl has a lot of life to experience. There are millions of reasons why she may think she's in love, or may actually be in love, with someone. But it's far more likely she'll fall in love a number of times before finally settling down.


My best guess is that this is a novelty for the teen toddler...having a 23-year-old man for a boyfriend. She may talk a lot to her friends, fantasize about the future, etc. But it's only a passing thing, like so many other fads young people become a part of.


A 23-year-old, on the other hand, should have the intelligence and the wisdom of thinking with his brain and not with his heart and other body parts. A man of 23 should know a 16-year-old girl can change her mind with the wind direction.


This relationship should be explored and enjoyed, perhaps, as long as all applicable laws involving adult's relationships with minors are observed. But I wouldn't bank on it lasting.


Yes, it's possible this girl could be "the one" but it's also possible that I will win the $200 million Powerball Drawing this week. Not very likely.

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