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Husband's uncle flirting

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Hi there everyone!


I'm currently having huge problems with my husband's uncle whom cant leave me alone.


It all started about last year November at a family gathering, I feel im probably the person who instigated everything. If somebody in the family should find out about this I will definately get blamed for everything happening, as I have a very Flirtatious nature, and he is treated with utmost respect by my husband's family and this includes my husband - he looks up to the man and sees him to be a hero.


This Sunday we had another family day and as always they were there and he couldn't leave me alone, and promised to call me on Monday at 10:00 for us to go do lunch and have sex. As always I just laughed it off, but he called 2ce yesterday and he even called me this morning, obviously I didn't answer the phone.


But I can see all this turning out a disaster if it continues, can somebody please give me some advise as to what to do




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I think it is essential that you tell your husband immediately what is happening. I would also try to tape all messages that he leaves on your phone. I think this is very serious. This is a problem that a person who has a flirtatious nature has to deal with. How would you feel if your husband had a flirtatious nature? I think you are right that this situation could get bad very quickly. You must stop it immediately. Tape the messages and tell him you do not find it amusing and you will confront his wife if he persists. If he continues then get a restraining order on the grounds that he is harassing you. I wish you luck.

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