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Right guys here's my story.


Ok me and my x (Chris) have been split up for a while now, and although we never actaully sed phyically we had ended our relationship, i just assumed it had ended as he said he needed space and then stopped flirting, stopped contacting me and never replyed to my texts- which really pissed me off to start with but then i found someone else (Shane), who i started seeing i started to forget about him....until my x Chris started contcting me again, and flirting like mad. Anyway, i met up with Chris a few times, and we both got on as normal (cuddling etc) and i had to make the decision what to do with my Shane, because as much as i liked him, i prefered everythin about Chris and couldnt stop thinking about him.... so i ended it with shane, in hope that me and Chris would get back together (which is where i am confused)..... me and Chris are gettin on soooo well at the moment, he phones me almost every night, we text we went cinema last night, we kiss, we hug, we are even sleeping together, but i dont know what to make of it. I mean are we back together, or what? Because im way to scared to ask him, as it might ruin things between us, although for my own peace of mind id rather be in some kind of relationship with him if we are doing the stuff we do, as i dont feel friends even do that kind of thing????? Maybe he is also thinkin the same with me? and is to scared to ask in case i reject him, because of how he treated me? or even maybe we never even split up, because to be honest nothing has changed from when we was in a relationship to now regarding the way we are together? sorry its long, but i dont know who else to ask..... and im so confused.... and then also ive got the valantines day thing? do i get him something? or not?


plzzzzzzzzzzzzz help, ne reply will be fab


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