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Getting mixed signals

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I'm 25 years old a month ago I met this guy at a party and we seemed to hit it off well. He never asked me for my number so I thought that was that. A few weeks later he found me on MySpace and told me how much fun he had with me and we had to hang out again. I mentioned to him I was going to be at a particular bar that night and invited him. He e-mailed back and said he'd be there. I didn't think he'd actually show up.


He showed up by himself. Bought me all my drinks, followed me around all night, held my hand and ignored every other girl. We had a blast together. I thought he was pretty into me. At the end of the night I said I'd walk him to his car if he'd drive me to mine. Then things got awkward. He basically was pressed up against his door. No kiss, no hug, no nothing. I had to ask for his number. He was like "of course."


Since then we've been texting. Usually I'm the one to initiate the conversation. He always writes back quickly. He has my picture with him up on his MySpace page. He has yet to actually call. We haven't seen each other in 2 weeks. I think he's not interested, but my friends think he's shy. Should I risk being rejected (which I don't handle well) and ask him out or should I just be done with it ? I don't want to seem too eager or one of those girls who "can't take a hint."

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He likes you. He showed that at the bar. There's no denying that. I'm not sure why he hasn't asked you out on a date. If I were you, I'd give him a call, or a text, and see if he wants to do something on the weekend. If he says yes, then great, and if he says no, then forget him.

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He's shy. Guys don't keep buyin' drinks for their girls if they're not interested. But then, only a guy who's new to the dating scene would keep spending $$ on drinks on a girl he just met. Plus, a pic of you and him on MySpace... ? :laugh: That's nice :cool:


With guys like that, if yer too aloof, he'll think yer not interested and he's gone. Looks like you'd have to lead him on. But not too much cuz you don't want his ego to shoot thru the roof.


Just text him the next time and pretend yer angry with him for not initiating....like.... "hey, it sucks to always be the one initiating. I'm pissed, so I'm now seriously considering not texting you for a while :-( :-) ;-) ". That should wake him up.

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A shy guy does not turn up at a bar by himself for a girl who is out with her friends!


Stop texting and see if he calls or texts you first!


Then you will have your answer!

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I answered my own question. I sent him a silly little e-mail and invited him out again and I never heard from him. So I'm thinking he's done with me. I don't get it. I know I didn't do anything wrong. I didn't have a chance to. Just from previous conversations he claims he's going through a dry spell. So I don't think it's another girl. Maybe...I guess


This is the second time this has happened to me. I meet someone, have a great time with him and then never hear from him again. Either that or they're hot one minute and cold the next. I don't think I'm doing anything wrong. And they talk about girls being hard to read.

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I've done this before, pull a fall off the face of the planet a few times. Now I just either call or end it in person. Guess it was a phase in me when I was younger.


Honestly, how long did this go on? 1 month 2 months? regardless of length, a break is hard to deal with. Something short is just short and move one while you didn't get the full attachment feel.

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