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More freindship or not


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Well, I am still being patient. Thats not one of my virtues!! This weekend was great! My "Friend" and I hung out with just a few people and he couldn't seem to keep his eyes off me! It was soo great! He still hasn't made any moves, but, I have a "gut" feeling that its gonna happen soon! Thanks for the response to my question...

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I plan to. I don't consider myself a bashful or shy person, yet I would have a hard time making a first move, so, I'm assuming that even men feel that way sometimes. I think he would have to have the same worries that I have. I'm pretty darn sure there is no other woman in his life, thats gotta be a plus! He's a truck driver and made a point to tell me this weekend that he is giving it up soon so he will be around more often. Sounded good to me!

Hang in there, be patient, and give him some encouragement.
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