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Time = Money??

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Time= Money only if you know how to use your time.


Please your comments.


2) What about Astrology? Is there a East and West thing going on? Or do they compliment each other? Which do feel is more accurate to your character - eastern or western astronology.

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What the HECK are you talking about???


Don't you have friends in real-life that you can ask these simple questions to, and post here maybe only ONCE a day?

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What do you mean, sparkle, an east or west thing? It's divisible by the amount of veriligisms that can be formiculated into the derigium...and you know that all too well.


So what we have to do is promulmaculate the bergijustilaser as much as possible.


I don't really think it's at all necessary for you to proslamacaticize this poor guy just because he's dabulated in the arstiferior goriannaferrous.


Shame on you!!!

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