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Freedom in two days...

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Twelve years ago the ex sought happiness with someone else and left me and our 25 year marriage. I dovorced her. At the time my two youngest daughters were just turned six and 10. For the next 10 years the ex severely alienated them from me. After four years of fighting it I stepped back to give her no further opportunities or excuses to brainwash and emotionally abuse my daughters anymore.


Thanks to their own observations and many discussions with their three adult siblings, the girls finally figured it out on their own two years ago and left their mother's home, initially moving in with their older sister and her family. At the time the girls were 16 and 18.


Predictably, the ex threatened arrests for harboring, kidnapping, contributing, etc. where my youngest daughter was concerned. After all, no younger daughter, no child support. I jumped in to support the girls and we ultimately had three court hearings, mediation, you name it. The courts (family and probate) did not order my daughter back with her mother and declined to rule one way or the other. Ultimately, based upon the strength of my filings the ex gave up, packed her nags and moved 500 miles away to be near her mother and older sister where she remains to this day.


While it appeared that my daughters and I won, without a definitive ruling there was always the chance the ex would try again to reinstate custody. That possibility has been hanging over my daughter ever since. I knew the ex couldn't win but who need the hassle and turmoil?


In two days my daughter will turn 18 and it's all, finally over except for the child support which I've voluntarily been sending the girls (they now live together in their own place) and will continue to send until youngest daughter's high school graduation in June.


After all those years of the ex's crap and interference, my wife and I now have loving and supportive relationships with all five of my children, the older three's spouses and all three of my grandchildren (with another on the way). The ex has no real relationship with any of them and the children like it that way.


It took over a decade but in the end, everything worked out well and as it should. There IS a God!


Just wanted to share the good news.

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Citizen Erased

Curmudgeon that is great news! My parents went through a messy divorce too, but us kids were always given the choice, but what you went through is common and I congratulate you for sticking with your kids and having a good relationship with them.


Congrats and Good Luck in the future!

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I am constantly amazed to see what lengths selfish people will go to in order to hurt others through manipulating their children.

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