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Is she in love with me?


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I am working on a project with a girl and just recently i think i had fallen in love with her. But both of us are of different culture and religions.


As the date line for the project neared, and so is our time together i felt very miserable. I can't sleep well, eat well, study well and play well.I am starting to feel the pain in my heart. I am afraid after this project submission, after our graduation i might not meet her again. But our parents will surely forbid the relationship if we are to be together.


She will:

she kept on talking to me.

she will laugh at most of my jokes even thought i don't feel that i am joking.

she will ocassionally bushed while talking to me.

her eyes will dilate once a while when talking to me.


So, i would like to know is she in love with me? Or is she just treating me as a friend?


I heard she had a boyfriend and i do not know whether is my love for her just infatuation or real love. We have been together doing project for quite some time. Please help.

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Ok she seems to like you. So ask her out to a movie. Just tell your parents you are going out with a friend.


Just remember be cool( i mean calm cool.) Dont profess your love for her. Dont talk TOO much. You have to make her think you are a mystery.


See if you can initiate some kinda body contact. I dont mean grab her boobs, but if you are both going though a doorway put your hand on her lower back and usher her through ahead of her. Innocent stuff, but she will probably like it and like you more.


Anyways, im tired. Hopefully theres some other people to chime in.


Oh and touch her hair. Chicks love that. Say something like 'i like your hair like that' and with your middle and pointer finger kinda pinch about say a centimeters worth wide of it and kinda run your fingers to the ends of her hair. ......uh...i think i made that too complicated. Anyways girls like thier hair, and if you appreciate it too she will like it...anyways, back to bed.

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ok first off


you arent in love, its just an infatuation


stop crying in your pillow, she hasnt broken your heart nor has she been a real part of your life (its just a project that you two worked on thats all)


ok the good news:


she seems to like you, so i would def go in for the kill and see where it leads because hey if she doesnt like you then after the project you two are done with and you know where you stand with her


PLUS: F the parents, who cares what they say? who are they to judge other people's lives and attractions? they were young and felt just like you did, so what gives them the right to forbid their children to feel the same?


thats all folks for now


i'm gonna go to bed

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